
gāo pān
  • Gao Pan;make friends or claim ties of kinship with someone of a higher social position;make friends or claim ties of kinship with sb. of a higher social position
高攀 [gāo pān]
  • [make friends or claim ties of kinship with sb. of a higher social position] 跟地位、名誉较自己高的人结交或攀亲

  • 你们钟府上是做官的仕宦之家,我们做买卖的,恐怕高攀不上吧?-- 李六如《六十年的变迁》

高攀[gāo pān]
  1. 你高攀结婚,不会有好结果的!

    No good can come of your marrying above your station !

  2. 一定是有女人想高攀他。

    Some air-headed bimbo must be hitting on him .

  3. 高攀很冒险!

    Reach high is highly dangerous !

  4. 任何男人,婚姻高攀,只会是出卖自己的自由。&莎士比亚

    For any man to match above his rank is but to sell his liberty . & Shakespeare

  5. 这简直是把高攀的机会送上门来,这可是跟最有名望的人家沾上关系的一条线索啊!

    Here was a real social opportunity knocking at his very door-a connecting link to one of the very best families !

  6. 钱德乐:噢,得了,我能高攀得上她?罗斯,你给我说说。

    CHANDLER : Oh please , could she be more out of my league ? Ross , back me up here .

  7. 他们简直没有别的宴会,因为附近一般人家的那种生活派头,柯林斯还高攀不上。

    Their other engagements were few ; as the style of living of the neighbourhood in general was beyond the Collins ' reach .

  8. 漂亮对于步步高攀想当主管的男子是一种积极因素,但对于女子却反而有害。

    While attractiveness is a positive factor for a man on his way up the executive ladder , it is harmful to woman .

  9. 品牌,是全球化经济浪潮中,人们力图高攀的一面旗帜,也是当今社会谈论的最热烈的话题之一。

    The brand is not only a banner that people strive to claim in globalization economy , but also one of the most enthusiastic topics nowadays .

  10. 正当沃尔特爵士和伊丽莎白在劳拉巷拼命高攀的时候,安妮却恢复了一起性质截然不同的旧交。

    While Sir Walter and Elizabeth were assiduously pushing their good fortune in Laura Place , Anne was renewing an acquaintance of a very different description .

  11. 同样重要的是,欧洲央行在购债前必须确信:对欧元区解体的猜测在导致借贷成本高攀。

    Equally important , before it buys , the ECB must satisfy itself that borrowing costs are being skewed higher by speculation of a euro break-up .

  12. 现今的爱情故事表明,越来越多的聪慧女性和睿智男性都不是低就,也不是高攀――他们只是选择了和一个对的人步入婚姻。

    Today 's romances suggest that growing numbers of smart women and men are marrying neither up nor down & they 're just marrying the right person .

  13. 现今的爱情故事表明,越来越多的聪慧女性和睿智男性都不是“低就”,也不是“高攀”――他们只是选择了和一个对的人步入婚姻。

    Today 's romances suggest that growing numbers of smart women and men are marrying neither up nor down -- they 're just marrying the right person .

  14. 女性应该高攀的观念在经历了英国乡绅贵族的鼎盛时期后依然深入人心,最成功的养家者会被视为最令人满意的伴侣。

    The notion that women should ' marry up ' endured well past the heyday of the English gentry , and the most successful breadwinners were considered the most desirable mates .

  15. 而“高攀”的观念之所以在二十世纪一直深入人心,是因为当时的女性很难获得高薪工作,因此最会赚钱养家的男性会被视为最令人满意的伴侣。

    The notion that women should marry up endured well into the 20th century when relatively few high-paying jobs were available to women and the most successful breadwinners were considered the most desirable mates .

  16. 从1940年至20世纪70年代,男性娶的女性受教育的水平没自己高的现象比较普遍,高攀(女性嫁给比自己好的男性)的文化理想也是一贯坚持的。

    From 1940 to the mid-1970s , the tendency for men to marry down educationally became more pronounced and the cultural ideal of hypergamy - that women must marry up - became more insistent .

  17. 但是她的母亲却听见了,琼简单的虚荣心在高攀一门婚事的希望落空以后,因此就到女儿被人追求这件事上去寻求感情上的满足。

    But her mother heard , and Joan 's simple vanity , having been denied the hope of a dashing marriage , fed itself as well as it could upon the sensation of a dashing flirtation .