- Gao Pan;make friends or claim ties of kinship with someone of a higher social position;make friends or claim ties of kinship with sb. of a higher social position

[make friends or claim ties of kinship with sb. of a higher social position] 跟地位、名誉较自己高的人结交或攀亲
你们钟府上是做官的仕宦之家,我们做买卖的,恐怕高攀不上吧?-- 李六如《六十年的变迁》
No good can come of your marrying above your station !
Some air-headed bimbo must be hitting on him .
Reach high is highly dangerous !
For any man to match above his rank is but to sell his liberty . & Shakespeare
Here was a real social opportunity knocking at his very door-a connecting link to one of the very best families !
CHANDLER : Oh please , could she be more out of my league ? Ross , back me up here .
Their other engagements were few ; as the style of living of the neighbourhood in general was beyond the Collins ' reach .
While attractiveness is a positive factor for a man on his way up the executive ladder , it is harmful to woman .
The brand is not only a banner that people strive to claim in globalization economy , but also one of the most enthusiastic topics nowadays .
While Sir Walter and Elizabeth were assiduously pushing their good fortune in Laura Place , Anne was renewing an acquaintance of a very different description .
Equally important , before it buys , the ECB must satisfy itself that borrowing costs are being skewed higher by speculation of a euro break-up .
Today 's romances suggest that growing numbers of smart women and men are marrying neither up nor down & they 're just marrying the right person .
Today 's romances suggest that growing numbers of smart women and men are marrying neither up nor down -- they 're just marrying the right person .
The notion that women should ' marry up ' endured well past the heyday of the English gentry , and the most successful breadwinners were considered the most desirable mates .
The notion that women should marry up endured well into the 20th century when relatively few high-paying jobs were available to women and the most successful breadwinners were considered the most desirable mates .
From 1940 to the mid-1970s , the tendency for men to marry down educationally became more pronounced and the cultural ideal of hypergamy - that women must marry up - became more insistent .
But her mother heard , and Joan 's simple vanity , having been denied the hope of a dashing marriage , fed itself as well as it could upon the sensation of a dashing flirtation .