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  1. SWAT模型在赣东北红壤丘岗区林草系统水量平衡研究中的应用

    Application of SWAT Model to Study the Water Budget of Forest and Grass Ecosystems in Hilly Region of Red Soil in Northeast Jiangxi Province

  2. 红壤丘岗坡地农业开发利用的问题与对策

    Problems and Countermeasures in Agricultural Exploitation of Red Soil Hilly Slope-Lands

  3. 湘北丘岗地区红壤和水稻土微量元素的有效性研究

    Micro-nutrient availability of red soil and paddy field in North Hunan province

  4. 环洞庭湖丘岗地区雨水资源和管理策略

    Management countermeasures and rainfall resources in the hilly area around Dongting Lake

  5. 紫色丘岗区水土流失严重地区植被恢复技术研究

    Study of Vegetation Recovery Techniques in a Seriously-Eroded Purple Soil Hilly Area

  6. 南方红壤丘岗地区庭院经济发展研究

    A research on dooryard economy in red earth hilly region of South China

  7. 红壤丘岗缓坡地水资源状况与管理

    Status and management of water resources in red soil regions and hilly_sloppy lands

  8. 从水量平衡看洞庭湖周边丘岗区农业生态建设

    Evaluation of agro-ecological construction in the area around Dongting Lake by water equilibrium

  9. 论南方红壤低丘岗地银杏种植业意义模式及效益

    The Significance , parttern and Benefit of Ginkgo-growing in Southern Red Soil Hillock

  10. 红壤丘岗区林草生态系统土壤水分状况

    Soil Water Status of Forest and Grass Ecosystems in Red Soil Hilly Region

  11. 湖南省衡阳市丘岗地开发研究报告

    A research report on exploitation of hilly land of Hengyang City of Hunan Province

  12. 丘岗山地毛竹低效林改造技术及效果

    The Transformation Techniques and Effect Of Low-efficiency Bamboo Forest in Hillocky and Mountainous Region

  13. 开展对红壤丘岗区水量平衡的研究,显得非常重要。

    It is important to study the water budget in hilly region of red soil .

  14. 洞庭湖环湖丘岗区土壤动物群落组成及分布

    The Composition and Distribution of Soil Animal Community in the Hilly Areas Around the Dongting Lake

  15. 洞庭湖环湖丘岗生态系统大型土壤动物群落结构特征分析

    The Structure Characteristic Analysis of Large Soil Animal Community in the Hilly Ecosystem around Dongting Lake

  16. 红壤丘岗区人工林土壤水分、养分流失动态研究

    Dynamic of Soil Nutrient and Water Loss in Artificial Forest in Low Hilly Red Soil Region

  17. 基于土地利用和微地形的红壤丘岗区土壤水分时空变异性

    Spatial and temporal variability of soil moisture in hilly red soil region based on land use and microtopography

  18. 为皖南丘岗地区火炬松人工林提出可供选择的主要伴生树种。

    Main associated tree species are listed for Loblolly pine plantation in hillock areas of Southern Anhui Province .

  19. 农艺措施对湘北红壤丘岗区苎麻产量的影响试验研究

    Study on Effects of Agronomic Measures on Ramie Yield in Hilly Red Soil Region of Northern Hunan Province

  20. 江西低丘岗地旱季土壤水分动态对牧草生长影响的研究

    Effects of soil water dynamics of in dry seasons on the herbage growth in low-hilly of Jiangxi Province

  21. 结果表明:鸭茅是适宜在江西红壤低丘岗地种植、适应性强、生产性能好的优良温季禾草。

    It can be planted as a good cool seasonal grass on red soil low-hilly land in Jiangxi province .

  22. 鸭茅在江西红壤低丘岗地的生长观察(1988~1990年)

    A growth observation on Orchardgrass in red soil low-hilly land regions in Jiangxi province ( 1988 ~ 1990 )

  23. 湘南丘岗地区水稻轻简施肥技术的效应

    The Effect of the Simple and Easy Fertilization Technique for Double Cropping Rice in Hilly Region of Southern Hunan

  24. 赣中低丘岗地水土流失规律的观测研究

    Study on the law of soil and water loss in low-hill and hillock in the middle part of Jiangxi Province

  25. 南方红壤低丘岗地银杏园经营投入产出分析与比较

    Analysis and Comparison of Input and Output of Ginkgo Plantation Management on Red Soil Low Hills in the South of China

  26. 加以人为控制的防渗漏处理能减少田间水分的渗漏,达到节水目的,在红壤丘岗区稻田具有可行性;

    Implementing waterproof measurements would decrease the leakage amount of water , and those measurements are practicable in red hilly region .

  27. 土地资源宁乡各相关园区以平缓丘岗山地为主,均拥有较为丰富的土地资源。

    Abundant Land Resources various parks and zones mainly enjoy the flat and hilly land , and own a richer land resource .

  28. 三种夏季禾本科牧草在江西红壤低丘岗地的生长观察(1987~1988年)

    Growth observations on three species of warm-seasonal grass in red soil low-hilly land regions in Jiangxi Province ( 1987 ~ 1988 )

  29. 南方红壤丘岗区稻田土壤有机酸含量与甲烷排放率

    Relationship between Organic Acid Content in Paddy Soil and Release of Methane from It in the Red Earth Hilly Areas in South China

  30. 湘中紫色土丘岗区水土流失规律及土壤允许侵蚀量的研究

    Research on the Rule of Soil Erosion and Allowable Eroding Amount in the Purple Soil Upland of the Middle Part of Hunan Province