
  1. ScarlettJohansson第一次遇到JosephGordon-Levitt的时候肯定就被丘比特之箭射中了,据知情人士透露,Scarlett已经把家里钥匙给他了!

    Scarlett Johansson must have been been struck by cupids arrow when she first met Joseph Gordon-Levitt because , according to a source , Scarletts given him the keys to her house !

  2. 我好像是中了丘比特之箭。

    I think I 've been hit by Cupid 's arrow .

  3. 在丘比特之箭下,所有人一律平等。

    All people are equal under the arrow of love .

  4. 神佑,丘比特之箭会在不久的明天插入你的心扉。

    God blesses you that you will be shot with Cupids arrow in a short time !

  5. 一个长时间的相互凝视是让丘比特之箭射中目标的最好的方式。

    A long mutual gaze is the best way to let Cupid 's arrows hit their marks .

  6. 并幽默地对他雇的人说,交通堵塞时,有没有看见丘比特之箭呢?

    To he employed and humorously said , when a traffic jam , have seen the arrow of love ?

  7. 在奥运期间被丘比特之箭射中的情侣还有游泳选手安妮塔•朗斯伯勒与自行车选手休•波特,他们在1964年东京奥运会相遇;以及同为射击选手的卡特日娜•库尔科娃与马修•埃蒙斯,两人结识于2004年雅典奥运会。

    The other couples who were struck by Cupid during the Olympics include swimmer Anita Lonsbrough and cyclist Hugh Porter , who met in Tokyo in 1964 , and shooters Katerina Kurkova and Matthew Emmons , who found each other at Athens in 2004 .

  8. 感情上,我和我的男友已经共同度过了一年半的甜蜜恋爱时光(我和他的故事正是丘比特爱神之箭成功射中的杰作)。

    I just marked a year and half with my boyfriend ( were an OK Cupid success story ) .

  9. 而今天,丘比特的爱情之箭又射向了他。

    But today Cupid fired another arrow at him .