
  • 网络Visual center;Optical center;Vision Center
  1. 视觉中心与外在对象的自返同一性

    Visual Center and the Reflexive-identity of Transeunt Object

  2. 绘画视觉中心的形成与运用

    The Formation and Application for Drawing Visual Center

  3. 万寿山是颐和园的视觉中心。

    Longevity Hill is the focal point of the Summer Palace .

  4. 果蝇的视觉中心是研究细胞增殖和分化过程的非常好的模式系统。

    Drosophila optic lobe is an excellent model system to study this process .

  5. 网络新闻版面处理的视觉中心

    Visual Center of Management in Web News Page

  6. 千年悖论:从心灵之眼到肉眼&关于视觉中心主义的思考

    Millennium Paradox : from " Spiritual Eye " to Naked Eye & About Optical Centrality

  7. 视觉中心确定的异同;

    Visual center , visual orderliness .

  8. 在此基础上,进一步阐释实现这些要素组合的三大手法:视觉中心、统一风格、母题重复。

    These factors are combine by the ployswhich include center of vision , matrix , same style .

  9. 文化由语言中心向视觉中心的转变,标志着视觉文化时代的到来。

    The transition of culture from linguistic center to visual center symbolizes the coming of visual culture time .

  10. 图形是设计作品中最敏感和倍受关注的视觉中心,创意是图形设计中的创造性思维。

    Graphic design is the most sensitive and concerned visual center in work , creativity in graphic design is the creative thinking .

  11. 远距离立体视觉中心立体视为30名(90.9%),周边立体视为3名(9.1%)。

    There are 30 ( 90.9 % ) pilots of far distance stereoscopic vision in center vision , and the others are peri-vision .

  12. 人们对于服装视觉中心的审美并不只是获得审美享受的过程,更是一种唤起审美主体内心经验的一个过程。

    The aesthetic of garment visual center is not just the process of aesthetic enjoyment , but also a main course of aesthetic experience .

  13. 眼镜有一个所谓的视觉中心,也就是说只有通过晶状体的中心点的时候,物体才是最清晰的。

    Glasses have what 's called an optical center , which means that objects appear clearest when viewed through the center of the lenses .

  14. 文化与广告是一个涉及广泛的研究课题,本文从中选取流行文化这一角度对广告视觉中心进行深入研究。

    Culture and advertisement is an involves extensive research lesson , I study the advertising visual focus from the viewpoint of popular culture in this article .

  15. 面对以视觉中心主义为主导地位的状况,传统雕塑必须对自身的语言和形式作出新的反应。

    In the face of the visual center ' for the status of a dominant position , traditional sculpture have their own language and new form responses .

  16. 楼阁建筑一直以来都以其技术特点和建筑高度优势,处于整个建筑环境的视觉中心,依附着人们的心理与精神的寄托。

    Mingled with people ' psychological and spiritual sustenance storied building has always been the visual center of the entire architecture environment for its features and height .

  17. 通过对世界名画以及现实生活空间现象的分析,阐明在绘画艺术创作中形成视觉中心的规律和途径。

    Through the detailed analysis to the world-famous painting and practical space appearance , it clarifies the regularity and way to form visual centre in the painting creation .

  18. 这里我向您展示如何在构图中使用一系列的大弧线把观众引导到画面的视觉中心。

    Here I wanted to show how you can use a series of large sweeping curves in your composition to lead your viewer 's eye to the main area of interest .

  19. 服装视觉中心的存在和人们对于服装视觉中心的审美心理需求充分体现出视觉心理学及审美心理学在服装领域的应用。

    The existence of garment visual center and the aesthetic psychology of the garment visual center reflect the application of visual Psychology and aesthetic psychology on the field of fashion design .

  20. 独特的图形语言,逐渐成为信息交流的主要形式,是设计作品中敏感和倍受关注的视觉中心。

    The unique graphic language has gradually become the main form of information exchange . It is the visual center that is sensitive and needs to be more concentrated in designing works .

  21. 首先提出了服装视觉中心的概念,然后结合视觉心理学、审美心理学等学科领域探讨了服装视觉中心的性质。

    Firstly , proposed the concept of garment visual center , and then combined with visual psychology , aesthetic psychology and other disciplines to explore the nature of the visual center of the garment .

  22. 颈部是人体的视觉中心,是人体装饰最丰富的部位,颈胸部服饰在很大程度上决定着服饰整体的风格。

    Neck is the visual centre of human body ; it is the most abundant direction part . The whole style of clothing is mostly decided by the design of the neck and chest parts .

  23. 邹良材的水墨山水有近观取景和远视取景两种不同的方法,对于前者,艺术家注重近景物体细节的刻划,形成富有艺术感染力的视觉中心,以扩大画面的空间;

    For the former , the artist pays attention to the description of details about close-range objects , and an artistically appealing visual center is formed , in order to expand the space of the picture .

  24. 最后以格式塔心理学理论作为指导,从造型、颜色、面料材质和图案这四个方面分别结合秀场款式图片实例对于服装视觉中心的一些设计方法提出了分析、总结与指导。

    Finally , using the theory of Gestalt psychology as a guide , from the shape , color , fabric texture and pattern these four areas and combined with style pictures to give examples of apparel design method .

  25. 但五四启蒙运动对于西方理性的推崇和借用,消弭了中国这种听觉范式的文学艺术品格,将其引向了视觉中心主义的道路。

    Nevertheless , the respect for and borrowing from the western rationality during the May 4th Movement has hindered the literary and artistic character of the Chinese audio mode of aesthetics and directed it onto the road of visual centrality .

  26. 但是在以往的设计中,设计师对于服装的把握大都依赖于个人的审美经验和修养,由于缺乏一定的理论支撑,对服装视觉中心的认识模糊而笼统,阻碍了设计的顺利进行。

    But in the past , most of designers design clothing is dependent on the individual experience and aesthetic accomplishment , as lack of theoretical support , the design of the garment visual center is vague and uncertain , hinder the smooth progress of the design .

  27. 与传统的视觉中心主义和印刷时代的视觉文化相比,电子时代的视觉文化丧失了在认识论方而的优势,从理性走向了感性,成为一种充满欲望的观看形式,追求快感的满足。

    Compared to the traditional Visual-centrism and visual culture in the printing age , visual culture in electronic age lost its epistemology advantages , no longer being truth-oriented and changing from rational nature to emotional nature , and has become a watching style to pursuit and meet desire and pleasure .

  28. 9月12日在英国诺维奇的塞恩斯伯里视觉艺术中心举办的“壮丽的迷恋:作为收藏家的艺术家”(MagnificentObsessions:TheArtistasCollector),涵盖了10位战后与当代艺术家,杉本博司是其中之一。

    He is one of 10 postwar and contemporary artists featured in the exhibition " Magnificent Obsessions : The Artist as Collector , " which will open at the Sainsbury Center for Visual Arts in Norwich , England , on Sept. 12 .

  29. 解读盖里的设计&托莱多大学视觉艺术中心

    Formative Analysis of the New Art Building in the University of Toledo

  30. 基于全视觉图像中心的二次逆向快速解算方法

    Quick double reverse algorithm for omni-directional images based on the center of imaging