
  • 网络Vision Health
  1. 学校教室的采光照明问题是保护学生视力健康的重要部分。2004年我国重新修订了国家标准《建筑照明设计标准》GB50034-2004。

    The daylighting and lighting of classrooms are important elements to students ' eye health condition and the national standard , GB 50034-2004 , is revised in 2004 . This article investigates and analyse the daylighting and lighting conditions of some classrooms in Beijing .

  2. 目的调查中专学生视力健康状况。

    Objective To survey the eyesight of the secondary school students .

  3. 影响当代大学生视力健康的因素及其对策研究

    Research on Factors Affecting Students ' Eyesight Health and Countermeasures

  4. 视力健康:大学健康教育的薄弱环节

    Sight Health : the Weakness in University Health Education

  5. 同时它也含有丰富的维生素A,是皮肤和眼睛视力健康的基本元素。

    It also provides vitamin A , which is essential for healthy skin and good eyesight .

  6. 现今营养食品中,山桑子是最受欢迎的草本补充品,具有良好的抗氧化特性,以维护视力健康著称。

    One of the most popular herbs on the market today , Bilberry is an antioxidant known for its reported ability to support vision .

  7. 镜片合格率高于成镜。结论:实施眼镜卫生质量监督管理是保护广大配戴者视力健康的有效手段。

    Conclusion : Carrying out supervising administration hygiene quality of spectacles is a feasible and effective method to protect sight health of all spectacles expensors .

  8. 结论四川省青少年视力健康保护的基本策略和方法在根除可避免盲,实现视觉2020有一定作用。

    Conclusion It is helpful to avoid blindness and achieve " VISION 2020 " for the fundamental strategies and methods for protecting adolescent eyesight in Sichuan .

  9. 虽然角膜新生血管对角膜损伤修复起到一定作用,但是长期慢性的角膜血管新生会形成角膜翳,破坏角膜正常微环境,使眼前节免疫赦免减弱或消失,影响视力健康。

    Corneal neovascularization may play a part in the corneal wound healing , but a chronic corneal neovascularization can result in vascular pannus , and damage of corneal microenvironment and corneal immune privilege .

  10. 近视是危害学生视力健康的主要因素之一,特别是近年来,近视发生率持续升高给学生健康带来了严重的危害,已成为备受关注的公共卫生问题。

    Myopia is one of the main factors in impairing the pupils ' visual health . In recent years , special attention has been given to its prevention as well as its treatment because it has become a serious public problem harmful to pupil ' health .

  11. 美国低视力公共健康教育规划介绍及其对我国的借鉴

    Plan of America Low Vision Public Health Education and its Instruction for our Country

  12. 能提高免疫系统,对骨骼、牙齿、皮肤和视力的健康都有重要作用。

    Boosts the immune system and is important for healthy bones , teeth , skin and eyesight .

  13. 研究人员还称,黑痣带来的好处可能还有紧绷的肌肉、良好的视力以及健康的心脏,与这些优点相比,“黑痣可能与皮肤癌相关”的说法似乎不足一提。

    Other suspected benefits include tauter muscles and healthier eyes and heart , which outweigh the risk of skin cancer linked to the presence of moles .

  14. 了解一下对视力和身体健康都有益的食品清单吧。

    Learn the list of recommendations to improve your eyesight and your overall health .

  15. 维生素A:有助于保持视力、增进肺部健康;

    Vitamin A , which helps maintain eyesight and support lung health .

  16. 眼科急诊中常见眼部皮肤、结膜裂伤,其终极结果关乎伤眼视力及患者心理健康,故在急诊处置中掌握必要的整形原则和技巧十分重要。

    Traumas of eyelid skin and conjunctiva are common in ophthalmic emergency .

  17. 大多数人认为中学生不应该花太多时间玩电脑,否则,不仅损害视力而且有害身体健康。

    Most of people computer games . Otherwise , It 's bad for eyesight but also for health .

  18. 维生素A(视黄醇)-阻止身体的化合物质被氧化,提升在黑暗中的视力,保持皮肤健康,帮助免疫系统。

    Vitamin A ( Retinol ) - prevents oxidation of substances and compounds of the body , improves vision at darkness , keeps the skin healthy , and helps the immune system .

  19. 减少环境光线对视力的干扰,保护视力健康。

    Reduce the environment ray disturbance to sight , protect sight health .

  20. 目的掌握近年来我校大学新生视力低下变化轨迹,为教学改革及视力健康促进提供理论依据。

    Objective To investigate the eyesight changing of the freshmen in our college , and provide references for the education reform and eyesight health care promotion .