
shì jué yòu fā diàn wèi
  • visual evoked potential;VEP
  1. 基于小波和BP网络的视觉诱发电位分类识别

    Classification on the Visual Evoked Potential Based on Wavelet and BP Network

  2. 视神经急性损伤后LONGEVANS大鼠闪光视觉诱发电位的实验研究

    Experimental study of flash visual evoked potential in Long Evans rats after acute optic nerve injury

  3. 闪光视觉诱发电位平均波幅增高(P<005)。

    The average amplitude of FVEP increased ( P < 0.05 ) .

  4. 散光性和远视性视网膜离焦对图形视觉诱发电位P(100)潜伏值的影响

    Effect of retinal defocusing on P_ ( 100 ) latency of P-VEP

  5. 利用双计算机和ActiveOne生理信号测量系统建立了一个基于视觉诱发电位的脑机接口实验系统。

    A VEP based BCI experimental system was set up using two computers and the Active One biopotential measurement system .

  6. 8周不同强度健美操锻炼期间视觉诱发电位P(100)潜伏期的动态变化

    Dynamic changes of P_ ( 100 ) latency of visual evoked potentials during 8-week aerobics exercise of different intensities

  7. 正常LONGEVANS大鼠不同发育阶段闪光视觉诱发电位波形的比较

    Comparison of wave changes of F-VEP between normal infancy and adult Long Evans rats

  8. 暗适应及明适应状态下正常SD大鼠视觉诱发电位的比较

    Difference between the dark and light adapted flash visual evoked potentials recorded from normal SD rats

  9. 视觉诱发电位(VisualEvokedPotential简称VEP)是一种客观评定视功能的方法,在法医学上应用VEP评定视功能具有特殊意义。

    Visual evoked potential . ( VEP ) is an objective method to determine visual function .

  10. 目的:探讨基本治愈的单眼弱视患儿的弱视眼与对侧优势眼视觉诱发电位(PVEP)波幅及潜伏期时值的差异,提出评价弱视基本治愈的客观检测标准。

    Objective : To observe the amplitude and latency of P-VEP between amblyopic eyes and dominant eyes .

  11. ICA在视觉诱发电位的少次提取与波形分析中的应用

    ICA in the single-trial estimation and analysis of VEP

  12. 应用镇静药物的ICU病人在胸部物理治疗期间视觉诱发电位的变化

    Changes of visual evoked potential in the sedated patients in the ICU during physiotherapy

  13. 多层螺旋CT灌注成像、彩色脑电地形图、视觉诱发电位及其地形图在急性脑梗死诊断中的对比研究

    A comparison study of multislice CT perfusion imaging , color brain atlas , visual evoked potential mapping and other atlas in the diagnosis of acute cerebral infarction

  14. 目的探索使用图形视觉诱发电位(VEPP)早期诊断二硫化碳(CS2)中毒性视网膜病变的可能性。

    Objective To investigate used P VEP to diagnose CS 2 toxic retinopathy in the early .

  15. 本研究通过视野和视觉诱发电位(VisualEvokedPotential,VEP)检查研究放射性视神经损伤并探讨损伤发生的部位。

    This study was to investigate RON in NPC patients after irradiation by visual field and visual evoked potential ( VEP ) tests .

  16. 本论文提出一种利用稳态视觉诱发电位(Steady-statevisualevokedpotential,SSVEP)构造脑机接口的新方法。

    A new method for BCI construction is proposed in the dissertation : using steady-state visual evoked potential ( SSVEP ) .

  17. 目的评价闪光视觉诱发电位(flashvisualevokedpotential,FVEP)在眼眶手术中视觉功能监护的可行性和可靠性。

    Objective To evaluate the feasibility and reliability of monitoring visual function with flash visual evoked potential ( FVEP ) during orbital surgery .

  18. 目的探讨视觉诱发电位(VEP)对多发性硬化(MS)的诊断价值。

    Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of visual evoked potential ( VEP ) in multiple sclerosis ( MS ) .

  19. 不同时间频率光栅刺激引起的视觉诱发电位(VEP)方位效应的差异

    Different orientation effect of visual evoked potential due to different temporal stimulating frequency

  20. 本文对80例弱视儿童和30例同年龄正常儿童同期进行图形视觉诱发电位(P-VEP)的检测。

    The pattern visual evoked potential ( P-VEP ) of 80 children with amblyopia and 30 normal children at the same age was detected .

  21. 本研究对47例经CT证实的鞍区肿瘤患者和35名正常人进行了全视野模式翻转视觉诱发电位(P&VEP)的测定。

    In this study , full-field-patten visual evoked potentials ( P-VEPs ) were tested in both 47 patients with selar tumor , who were verified by CT scanning , and 35 normal subjects .

  22. 视觉诱发电位(VEP)信号的动态提取及处理具有重要的临床意义。

    Dynamic extracting and processing of visual evoked potential ( VEP ) signals possess clinical importance .

  23. 通过基于稳态视觉诱发电位构造的脑-机接口获取控制指令,通过可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)控制机械手完成规划的动作。

    We could obtain dictates in the steady-state visual evoked potential ( SSVEP ) and can control the spatial movement of the artificial limb through a programmable logic controller ( PLC ) .

  24. 基于3A技术的视觉诱发电位单次提取的动物实验及临床初步研究

    Initial Study on the 3A Technique-Based Single-Extraction for Visual Evoked Potential in Experimental Animals and Clinical Patients

  25. 【方法】应用美国NICOLET公司的VIKINGⅥP诱发电位仪对44例不同程度HIE新生儿和20例正常新生儿进行闪光视觉诱发电位(FVEP)检测。

    F VEP in 44 newborns with HIE , 20 normal newborns were determined with NICOLET VIKING IV model evoked potentials apparatus .

  26. 本文采用这种非植入式EEG技术,主要对基于视觉诱发电位的BCI分析算法优化和实时控制系统构建问题进行了研究。

    This study adopts the non-invasive EEG technique and focuses on analysis algorithm optimization and real-time system establishment for the visual evoked potential-based BCI .

  27. 目的探讨应用视觉诱发电位(VEP)诊断视神经挫伤的意义。

    Objective To investigate the diagnostic significance of visual evoked potential ( VEP ) in patients with optic nerve injury .

  28. 目的利用视觉诱发电位(VEP)判断严重视神经损伤的预后。

    Objective To evaluate the prognosis of patients with serious optic nerve injury by visual evoked potentials ( VEP ) .

  29. 如果以无创方式监测颅内压将会极大减少这些弊端,闪光视觉诱发电位(fVEP)技术是无创颅内压监测的研究方向之一。

    The fVEP technique is just direction of non-invasive technique to monitoring ICP .

  30. 结果:DR患者的图形翻转视觉诱发电位(P-VEP)振幅与正常对照组相比明显下降(P<0.01)而潜时与正常对照组相比无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

    Results : To the eyes with DR , the amplitudes of P-VEP decreased compared to normal values ( P < 0.01 ) .