
  • 网络optical illusion;visual illusion
  1. 有光我们就会看到一些不同的东西,所以物体有一种视觉错觉。

    By the light , we see something differently , so there is a visual illusion of the object .

  2. 科学家表示,这是由月亮在天空的位置所带来的视觉错觉。

    The scientists say it 's actually optical illusion caused by its position in the sky .

  3. 研究人员给30位健康志愿者展示了一组视觉错觉图片。

    Researchers showed a series of optical illusions to30 healthy volunteers .

  4. 换言之,彩虹可见,但只是视觉错觉而已。

    In other words , rainbows are visions , but only illusions .

  5. 视觉错觉玩具

    Visual Sense False Sense Toy

  6. 巧妙的视觉错觉在网上火了(我们保证你也会犯错)。

    Clever optical illusion is stumping the whole web ( and we guarantee you 'll get it wrong too )

  7. 又一组视觉错觉照片在网络上出现,这证明了我们对大脑工作的方式了解的少之又少。

    Yet another optical illusion has popped up on the internet proving how little we know about how our brains work .

  8. 这种视觉错觉和形态上的扭曲永久地漂浮在一个虚拟的三维空间里。

    The result is a visually disturbing , sculptural distortion , permanently " floating " in a virtual world of three-dimensionality .

  9. 其中的机制还同样能说明为什么人们会被视觉上的错觉所欺骗。

    And the mechanism behind that can also explain why we are tricked by optical illusions .

  10. 研究表明你可以使用这种视觉上的错觉,艺术家和时装设计师一直也正是利用这种错觉,来研究我们基本的感官心理。

    It suggests that you can use this kind of optical illusion that artists and fashion designers use all the time to tap into our basic sensory psychology .

  11. 因为两者之间的距离改变了,好像一种视觉上的错觉一样,别人往前来了而以为自己自身是后退了。

    For the distance is altered , and it is like a deceit of the eye , that when others come on , they think themselves , go back .