
  • 网络eye level;h-h;h-l
  1. 在这个小屏幕上,想读email、短信、新闻标题,我习惯的姿势一般是把手腕举到视平线处,如果有电话打来,手机又不好拿,得用它来打电话的时候,感觉就像是对着空气说话。

    Just as my default position when trying to read an email or the text of a headline on the small screen involves raising my wrist to near eye level - or , if a phone call is involved and my actual phone is not reachable , talking into thin air .

  2. 作为视平线展示移动载体,移动广告是一个引人注目、难以忘怀的媒介方式。

    As a mobile vehicle with eye-level display , moving advertising is a high profile medium with superior levels of recall .

  3. 镜框里的蓝色液体可以重塑视平线,消除眼睛和内耳传送给大脑不同信号间的冲突。

    That blue liquid in the rings around the eyes recreate the horizon line to resolve the conflict between the signals sent to the brain by the eyes and inner ear .

  4. Seetroen镜框中的液体能模拟视平线的角度和运动,这样眼睛所察觉到的运动与内耳所察觉到的运动将会是一致的,没有信号冲突,自然也就不会晕车了。

    The liquid in the Seetroen rings simulate the angle and movements of the horizon so that the movement detected by the eyes matches that detected by the inner ear ; no more conflicting signals , no more motion sickness , apparently .