
  • 网络Video Tutorials;flash;illustrator;PHP;JAVA;html
  1. 只要有电脑、智能手机或电视,任何人都能跟着许多做菜视频教程和烹饪课程学习做菜。

    There are plenty of recipes how-to videos and cooking classes available to anyone who has a computer , smartphone or television .

  2. 在AppleWatch新的正念app中,同样的冥想视频教程每周会以音频上传。

    In the new Mindfulness app on Apple Watch , the same meditations will be uploaded each week in audio form .

  3. 本视频教程共分十一章,深层次的教学,从创建第一关节,IK的设置及比重均包括在内。

    Eleven chapters of in-depth instruction ranging from creating the first joints to IK setup and weighting are included .

  4. 为了让开发者尽快上手,Adobe布道者LeeBrimelow发布了一个视频教程,其中包括GE的智能网格增强现实应用的示例。

    To help developers get started , Adobe evangelist Lee Brimelow has a video tutorial , which also includes a demonstration of GE 's Smart Grid Augmented Reality application .

  5. 5月份,哈佛大学和麻省理工学院(MIT)共同发布了edX,这是一个包含视频教程和内置测验等课程材料的在线教育平台,它可立刻获得用户的反馈。

    In May , Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology launched edX , an online education platform that carries course material such as video lesson segments and embedded quizzes , which receive immediate feedback .

  6. 《我的世界》玩家队伍因而发展壮大,23岁的约瑟夫•加勒特(JosephGarrett)就是其中一名明星玩家,他在YouTube上的视频教程有1.59亿的月点击量,他因而获得了可观的收入,也辞掉了日常工作。

    As a result , the Minecraft community is thriving , with stars such as Joseph Garrett , 23 , who has earned enough from the 159m monthly views of his YouTube tutorials to quit his day job .

  7. 非盈利网络学习机构KhanAcademy的产品经理马特・沃尔(MattWahl)称,该学院测试了在视频教程中加入一些积极信息的影响,比如像“你的大脑就像肌肉组织,锻炼的越多,它就会变得越强大”这样的信息。

    Khan Academy , a nonprofit online-learning organization , is testing the impact of embedding messages in its video lessons such as ' Your brain is like a muscle . The more you flex it , the more powerful it gets , ' says Matt Wahl , a product manager for Khan .

  8. 在看视频教程前应该怎样做?

    What should I do before watching the video tutorial ?

  9. 如需完整的详细信息看到视频教程在包内。

    For complete details see the video tutorial included in the pack .

  10. 第一步:建议认真看完主页的视频教程。

    First step : Suggested earnestly looks at the main page the video frequency course .

  11. 京晶:你有没有看过别人破解过?或者在网上看过视频教程或其他攻略?

    Have you ever watched someone solve it or seen videos or other instructions online ?

  12. 人体动画功能最复杂的步行周期记录的动画视频教程。

    Humanoid Animation I features the most complex walk cycle ever recorded for an animation tutorial video .

  13. 她曾录过许多训练语音的视频教程和电话语音信箱的声音。

    She has produced several voice training videos and features on mobile answerphone messages and automated text messages .

  14. 这是创造一个目录分目录集视频教程,你的喜好统计表。

    That directory is created as a sub-directory of the Video Directory that you set in the Preferences Tab .

  15. 如今已有超过20000个在线视频教程教授如何黑掉社会媒介资料、电子邮件、智能手机以及在线支付账户。

    There are over 20,000 videos online teaching users how to hack social media profiles , email , smartphones and PayPal accounts .

  16. 不过配套的网站提供了一些资源,包括书籍、开源和商业软件的链接、一些文章的链接、视频教程以及演示文稿。

    The accompanying website does provide resources including books , links to open source and proprietary tools , links to articles , video tutorials and presentations .

  17. 浩如烟海的媒体,从各种形式的博客到完整的视频教程,这些文档都能告诉我们如何去编程。

    Documentation to help you learn how to program abounds in a myriad of media , from blog posts all the way to complete video tutorials .

  18. 在这个视频教程中,动画大师大卫温斯坦将告诉您如何,打破常规,并开始步行周期-移动到清理-最后的高分辨率细节。

    In this video veteran animator David Weinstein will show you how he breaks down and begins his walk cycles-moving onto cleanup-and finally the high resolution details .

  19. 这是一个多部分视频教程就如何创建简单而有效的三维眼睛可用于协商小组插图,或动画。

    This is a multiple part video tutorial on how to create simple , yet effective , 3d eyes that can be used in either CG illustrations , or animations .

  20. Google和Apple均有很棒的书面教程,某些情况下,也都提供有基于视频的教程。

    Both Google and Apple have great written tutorials , and both have video-based tutorials that are exceptional .

  21. 曾姆丹格斯自2008年左右开始在YouTube上发布视频和教程,是“速解魔方”界的名人。

    Zemdegs is famous in the " speedcubing " world and has been posting videos and tutorials on YouTube since around 2008 .

  22. 这些新的视频和音频教程,使你更容易将冥想带来的好处带入生活中。

    These new guided video and audio experiences make it easy to fit the benefits of meditation into your life .

  23. 这包括网络广播、主题演讲、公司展示、基于视频的培训和电子学习、视频教程、活动集锦等。

    This includes webcasts , keynote speeches , corporate presentations , video-based training and e-learning , video tutorials , event highlights , and so on .