
  • 网络Audio-visual Language;audiovisual language
  1. 其次对数字影视作品的表现类型和视听语言说明研究,从几方面分析数字影视创作的特点,同时具体分析3D影片《阿凡达》的创意表现手法。

    Secondly , the performance of digital television programs and movies and audio-visual language to explain the type of research , analysis from the aspects of the characteristics of digital video creation , and a detailed analysis 3D film " Avatar ," the creative expression .

  2. 视听语言自此以后成为电影语言不可缺少的重要组成部分。

    Audio-visual language since then become film language indispensable important component .

  3. DV作为一种语言,提供了一种供大众使用的视听语言。

    DV has offered a A / V language for masses as a kind of Language .

  4. 用视听语言来解释人类文化现象

    Interpreting the Cultural Phenomenon with the Audio - Visual Language

  5. 视听语言在影视广告中审美运用的地位作用。

    The aesthetic status and function of Audio-visual language in film and television advertising .

  6. 视听语言在沟通世界人民方面有着文字语言不可比拟的优越性。

    The audio-visual language has greater superiority over the orthographic language in linking the world .

  7. 韩国的汉语教育中也开始引入中国影视剧等视听语言素材进行教学。

    The Korean Chinese teaching introduced the TV drama and audio-visual language material in class .

  8. 使学生在了解的基础上理解并掌握视听语言并能够运用它设计出优秀的视听作品。

    Students can design great audio and video works based on the basic skills and knowledge .

  9. 游戏设计中视听语言研究

    On Audi-Visual Language in Game Design

  10. 视听语言在动画中的运用,使得当前动画具有无法阻挡的魅力。

    Audio-visual language in animation , making use of the current animation has the charm of unstoppable .

  11. 本文从影片的视听语言方面对胡安的新片《美人依旧》进行解读。

    The present paper studies the movie The Beauty As Before from the perspective of audio and video language .

  12. 他们用的是肢体语言,顶多打打响舌,我以视听语言为主。

    They use body language , at most to shoot off the tongue , I use audiovisual language mainly .

  13. 电影的语言是一种特殊的视听语言,是口头和笔头语言的高度结合。

    Film language is a special audio and visual language , which is the combination of spoken and written language .

  14. 而这样的特性是由动画最基本的语法&视听语言决定的,特别是镜头语言的特性决定的。

    This feature is the basic syntax by animation-visual language , in particular the characteristics of the language of the camera .

  15. 利用影视剧等视听语言进行教学近年来越来越多的被应用于第二语言教学实践中。

    Movies and television and other audio-visual language teaching in recent years are more and more used in second language teaching practice .

  16. 从公益性电视短片的社会功能入手,用电视短片的视听语言创作对社会文化可能产生的影响。

    From the social function of public television video , audio clips with TV of social culture and language creation may influence .

  17. 在视听语言上有了新的开拓,但是叙事模式并没有创新。

    With some common characteristics , these films developed the new audiovisual language , but it is no breakthrough in the recount models .

  18. 从总体上研究宫崎骏动漫电影及其视听语言、宫崎骏动漫电影作品视听语言的基本特征。

    Hayao miyazaki cartoon from the overall study film and audio-visual language , hayao miyazaki cartoon film the basic characteristics of audiovisual language .

  19. 电影作为一种写实性很强的艺术形式,能够通过逼真的视听语言,吸取各门艺术的特点,将生活真实的呈现在观众面前。

    As a realistic art form , film can show audience the true life through authentic seeing and hearing language and absorbing other art peculiarity .

  20. 第二章是从叙事艺术的形式要素,包括民间风格的美术造型和民族化、风格化的电影视听语言来探究中国动画电影形成的叙事风格。

    Chapter II researches into the narrative style of Chinese animation movies from the modality elements of narrative art , including art modeling and movie language .

  21. 这一部分主要从四个角度对影片进行深入探讨,分别是:故事改编、人物形象塑造、视听语言、主题思想。

    This part discusses the films from four different points of view which is story , character , the language of video and audio and theme .

  22. 宫崎骏动漫视听语言中的听觉语言主要是从听觉语言的内涵及其风格特征、表意功能两个方面分别进行研究。

    Hayao miyazaki cartoon audio-visual language of auditory language is mainly from hearing language of the meaning and style characteristics , ideographic function aspects studied respectively .

  23. 主要从主题思想、视听语言、蒙太奇手法、叙事特点、时空结构等艺术表现方法进行分析和总结。

    From the main theme , audio-visual language , montage , narrative features , temporal and spatial structure of the artistic performance method are analyzed and summarized .

  24. 传统的视听语言和拍摄方式已经无法满足武侠电影的创作,武侠电影观念急需创新。

    Traditional audio-visual language and shooting has been unable to meet the creation of the martial arts movie , martial arts movie concept in urgent need of innovation .

  25. 遵循具象思维规律,符合视听语言规范和符号组合规则,是画面语言具有逻辑规范和逻辑关系的根本。

    Obeying thinking rule of the body and language criterion of seeing and hearing and combination rule of the denotation are the essentials of logic rule and relationship .

  26. 他的影片有着鲜明、难于仿效的个人风格,丰富、绵密的人文/反人文主题,哲学的玄思以及极富原创性的视听语言。

    His movie has a distinct personal style difficult to imitate , abundant , minuteness humanity / versa humanity theme , profound philosophy thought and original audio-visual language .

  27. 视听语言的直观性、务须二度转换性,加上及时、同步、仿真的媒介特性,使得它成为前所未有的大众文化。

    The visualization and no need to convert of Audia-visual language , timely and synchronization , simulations of the Media feature , let them be the unprecedented Mass culture .

  28. 电影语言主要是指视听语言,创作者如何运用好视听语言是创作一部优秀影片的基础。

    Movie language means visual and aural language . To a movie creator , how to use visual and aural language well is the foundation of making a good movie .

  29. 戏曲电视剧美术设计的目的是要设计出根植于传统戏曲精神,又符合视听语言的崭新空间关系。

    The aim of the artistic design of a TV opera is to abstract the opera 's spirit rooted in tradition , which is accordant to a new extensity for audiovisual language .

  30. 两者的较量由表及里、循序渐进,后现代对现代性的侵入从叙事结构、视听语言逐渐延伸到叙事文本。

    Post-modern contest between the outside to the inside , step by step , the intrusion of modernity from the narrative structure , visual language and gradually extended to the narrative text .