
  • 网络Retinal vascular occlusion
  1. 利用光散射颗粒计数法评价抗血小板治疗对视网膜血管阻塞的疗效

    Comparative effect of antiplatelet therapy in retinal vein occlusion evaluated by the particle-counting method using light scattering

  2. 视网膜血管阻塞性疾病是一种严重损害视功能的常见病。

    Retinal vascular occlusive disease is a common medical problem which can cause serious damage in visual function .

  3. 有8例视网膜血管阻塞的病人,其中6例出现中枢神经系统病变。

    There were 8 patients with retinal vessel occlusion , 6 of which were complicated with lesion in central nerve system .

  4. 本组病例中视网膜棉絮状渗出检出率最高(57.7%),其次为视网膜血管阻塞(46.2%)。

    The incidence of the the batt-like exudation in retina were the highest ( 57.7 % ), followed by retinal vessel occlusion ( 46.2 % ) .

  5. 视力在0.1以下13只眼,其中7只由视网膜血管阻塞所致,4只由视网膜棉絮状渗出所致。

    There were 13 eyes whose eyesight were less than 0.1,7 of which were caused by retinal vessel occlusion , 4 of which were caused by the batt-like exudation in retina .

  6. 视网膜中央动脉、静脉阻塞患者各发现一例。视网膜血管阻塞年龄分布以青年与老年较多,性别无差异。

    The obstruction of retinal vessels was often found in the young and the aged people , without sexual difference .