
  • 网络macular area;Fovea;macula lutea
  1. FFA、OCT检查有无CNV,记录黄斑区病理性改变;

    Record the pathologic change on the macula .

  2. 结果OCT图像反映了黄斑区解剖结构的特点,黄斑中心凹神经上皮平均厚度测量值为(140±6)μm。

    Results Using OCT , useful images of macula flava in normal eyes were obtained . The average thickness of retinal neurosensory layer at the central fovea was ( 140 ± 6 )μ m.

  3. A超与IOLmaster测量黄斑区水肿患者眼轴长度的比较

    Axial length measurement in eyes with macular edema A-scan ultrasound versus IOL Master

  4. LASIK屈光手术对近视眼黄斑区视网膜的影响

    Postoperative Effect of LASIK Surgery on Macular Region in Myopia

  5. 结果提示术眼黄斑区OCT图像表现为:黄斑区视网膜水肿,视网膜厚度增加;

    Macular edema was found and the retinal thickness was increased in macular erea .

  6. 黄斑区视网膜厚度在DR中明显增厚,PRP治疗后增厚明显。

    The macular retinal thickness increased significantly in DR group , especially after the treatment of PRP .

  7. YAG激光后囊带蒂环形切开术治疗后囊膜混浊Nd:YAG激光后囊膜切开术对黄斑区视网膜与角膜内皮细胞的影响

    The changes of macular retinal thickness and corneal endothelium after treatment of posterior capsular opacification by using the Nd : YAG laser

  8. 结论多焦ERG能更有效地评价RP的黄斑区功能。

    Conclusion Multifocal ERG can provide more information and evaluate the macular function more effectively than full field ERG for RP.

  9. 高度近视眼视网膜神经纤维层和黄斑区神经上皮层OCT检测特点研究

    The Study of the Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer and the Neurosensory Retina in Macula Measurement Using Optical Coherence Tomography in High Myopia

  10. 通过光学断层扫描技术(OCT)的应用,可以发现检眼镜和荧光造影不能发现的黄斑区视网膜下液的存在。

    Optical coherence tomography ( OCT ) has shown that residual pockets of subretinal fluid may be present despite being undetectable by both biomicroscopy and fluorescein angiography .

  11. 正常组与NDR组黄斑区RNFL厚度比较差异无统计学意义。

    There is no significant difference of macular RNFL between The control group and the NDR group .

  12. 目的观察视网膜静脉阻塞的黄斑区厚度与多焦视网膜电图(multifocalelectroretinogram,mf-ERG)变化的关系。

    Objective To observe the relationship between the thickness of macular and multifocal electroretinogram waves in retinal vein occlusion .

  13. 方法:利用自制玻璃微穿刺针系统,在猴视网膜黄斑区进行视网膜下药物注射.猕猴30只(30眼),其中,15只眼在进行视网膜下药物注射的前1d接受黄斑周围激光光凝。

    METHODS : A glass micropipette system was used to perform subretinal injections in 30 eyes of 30 rhesus monkeys , among which 15 eyes received laser photocoagulations around the macula .

  14. mERG检查显示黄斑区反应振幅明显高于手术前。

    MERG showed that the response amplitude of retina including the macular area was obviously higher after the operation .

  15. 结果高度近视眼底病变包括后巩膜葡萄肿、玻璃体变性、漆裂样纹损害、黄斑区Fuchs斑和黄斑出血。

    RESULTS High myopia damages involve posterior scleral staphyloma , vitreous degeneration , lacquer crack lesion , macular region Fuchs spot and macular hemorrhage .

  16. 术前、术后行超声生物显微镜(UBM)、黄斑区光学相干断层成像(OCT)、激光蛋白细胞检测仪(LFCM)及常规检查。

    Optic coherent topography ( OCT ), ultrasonic biomicroscopy ( UBM ) and laser flare cell meter ( LFCM ) examination were performed before and after operation .

  17. 方法采用QZS-Ⅱ型自动视野计对105例(183眼)弱视儿童进行黄斑区6°光敏感度(MLS)的检测。

    Methods QZS ⅱ automated perimeter was used for testing the MLS within macular area of centre 6 ° of 183 eyes in 105 children .

  18. 结论:糖尿病视网膜病变早期黄斑区视网膜厚度已有增加,并随着病程的发展,视网膜厚度增加明显,但与HbA1C无关。

    Conclusions : Central retinal thickness has already thickened in sub-clinical retinopathy or initial stage of retinopathy , and increased significantly with the development of DR , but not correlated with HbA 1C .

  19. 所有患者均由同一术者行黄斑区加固,同时行玻璃体切除,内界膜剥离和玻璃体腔内C3F8气体注入。

    All patients received macular buckling combined with pars plana vitrectomy , internal limiting membrane peeling and gas tamponade at the same time .

  20. 目的:评价经瞳孔温热疗法(transpupillaryther-motherapy,TTT)治疗高度近视眼的黄斑区脉络膜新生血管膜(choroidalneovascularization,CNV)的疗效。

    Objective : To evaluate the efficacy of transpupillary ther-motherapy ( TTT ) in the treatment of choroidal neovascularization ( CNV ) in the macular area of the high myopic eye .

  21. 利用OCT的高分辨性观察高度近视后巩膜葡萄肿视网膜劈裂的特征性表现,对监测高度近视黄斑区的病变有独到的价值,同时能指导临床诊断、预测手术方式。

    OCT imaging of the retinoschisis in high myopia with posterior staphyloma may have a special value for the diagnosis and the monitoring of macular disease in high myopia , and direct the diagnosis and calculate the methods of the operation .

  22. 目的利用OCT与FFA/ICGA研究Stargardt病黄斑区组织结构的变化以及对视网膜功能的影响,探讨OCT与FFA/ICGA在该病研究中的价值。

    Objective To study the change of macular tissue Structure and its influence for function of macula in Stargardt disease patients with optical coherence tomography ( OCT ) and fundus fluorescein angiography ( FFA ) / indocyanine green angiography ( ICGA ) .

  23. 但当屈光度≥9D时,眼轴测量欠准确,这可能与超高度近视均伴有后巩膜葡萄肿,A超测量眼轴时很难准确落于黄斑区有关。

    When refractive error is more than 9 D , the measurement of the axial lengths isn 't accurate . The possible reason is that superhigh myopia combines with posterior scleral the which makes A-scan aim at macula difficultly .

  24. 同时又具个性特征:RP-DX-002家系中患者视网膜骨细胞样色素沉着累及黄斑区和视乳头旁,多个患者伴有虹膜局限性前粘连、玻璃体烟灰样混浊。

    However , RP-DX-002 family had some characteristics : bone cell-like retinal pigmentation involved in macular and environment of papilla of optic nerve , many patients were with iris adhesion and soot-like vitreous opacity .

  25. 方法对1998年9月至2003年3月我院眼底病科临床确诊的黄斑区视网膜下出血,范围大于4DD×5DD的患者,共23例(23只眼)的连续临床资料进行回顾性分析。

    Methods The serial clinical data of 23 patients ( 23 eyes ) with subretinal hemorrhage in macular region with the area over 4DD × 5DD who were diagnosed in our hospital from Sep , 1998 to Mar , 2003 were analyzed retrospectively .

  26. 老年华人212只尸体解剖眼黄斑区组织病理改变

    Histopathologic changes of macula lutea retinae in elderly Chinese autopsy eyes

  27. 光学相干断层扫描观察白内障术后黄斑区病变

    Research on Macular Disease after Operation of Cataract with Optical Coherence Tomography

  28. 正常人黄斑区视觉细微矩阵图的研究

    Fine matrix mapping of the macular region in normal subjects

  29. 高度近视眼黄斑区脉络膜血循环的研究

    Study of choroidal circulation in macular area in high myopia

  30. 共焦激光断层扫描仪对黄斑区视网膜病变的检测

    Confocal scanning laser tomographic analysis of the retina in eyes with macular diseases