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  1. 3在黄瓜果实成熟衰老过程中,活性氧清除系统成员过氧化物酶(POD)呈现双峰变化模式,超氧物歧化酶(SOD)在果皮颜色变黄时开始下降。

    In cucumber ripeness and senescence course , one member which cleaned out active oxygen , POD showed two peaks ; another member SOD increased in the early time , and then decreased when the cucumber fruit peel turned into yollow .

  2. 在制作奶黄时,鸡蛋能使液体凝固成胶状。

    In a custard , they thicken liquids to form a gel .

  3. 本实验目的是研究阻黄时肠粘膜免疫功能的改变。

    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of obstructive jaundice on gut immune cellularity .

  4. 近年来发现,血管活性物质与梗黄时肾损害有密切关系。

    In recent years , people detect that there are close relationships between blood vessel active material and kidney lesion of OJ .

  5. 在做肉饼时,鸡蛋将不同的原料黏合在一起。在制作奶黄时,鸡蛋能使液体凝固成胶状。

    In a meatloaf , they bind disparate ingredients together . In a custard , they thicken liquids to form a gel .

  6. 他们扫描了40名正在玩虚拟驾驶游戏的青少年和成年人的大脑,该游戏旨在测试玩家会在黄灯时刹车,还是会加速通过十字路口。

    They scanned the brains of 40 teens and adults who were playing a virtual driving game designed to test whether players would brake at a yellow light or speed on through the crossroad .

  7. 你妈太胖了,当她穿一件黄雨衣时,别人向她招手叫:“的士!”

    Your Mama 's So fat , when she wears a yellow raincoat , people said " Taxi !"

  8. 当看到黄灯时,如果小排量汽车司机刹车了,而后面的大车还在行驶就可能造成碰撞。

    If drivers of small cars have to brake when they see a yellow light and bigger vehicles behind them are still moving , the likelihood is a collision .

  9. 尽管如此,据公安部表示,但交通灯变为黄灯时如果一辆汽车已经通过了停止线,这并不构成违法。

    According to the Ministry of Public Security though , if a car has already passed the stop line when the traffic lights turn yellow , this doesn 't constitute a violation of the law .

  10. 目的:观察大鼠阻塞性黄疸(阻黄)时肠黏膜屏障功能损害及甲状腺素的代谢异常和肠黏膜屏障损害之间的关系,探讨阻黄时补充外源性甲状腺激素对肠黏膜屏障功能的保护作用。

    Objective : To investigate the degree of injury of intestinal mucosal barrier , the relationship between metabolic abnormalities of exogenous hormone and intestinal barrier dysfunction , the protective effect of thyroid hormone ( TH ) in rats with obstructive jaundice .

  11. 在很长一段时间内,在中国当交通灯转黄灯时,许多司机第一反应就是加油门。但随着交通规则的修改,这类反应可能要司机付出被扣驾照的代价。

    The initial impulse among many drivers in China has been to step on the gas when the traffic lights turn yellow , and that 's been the case for a long time.But as the rules have now changed , that type of reaction may cost a driver his or her license .

  12. 当黄阿姨回来时,我已很累了。

    When Aunt Huang returned , I was so tired .

  13. 黄灯亮时,你(们)应该等候。

    If the light is yellow , you should wait .

  14. 基于希尔伯特&黄变换的时频分析算法研究

    Study on Time-Frequency Analysis Algorithm Based on Hilbert-Huang Transform Technology

  15. 黄牟上学时便对大学教育感到十分不满。

    Huang himself was upset by college education when he was at school .

  16. 马德医生在一场黄热病流行时治愈了许多囚犯和看守。

    Doctor Mudd saved many prisoners and guards in a yellow fever outbreak .

  17. 小波变换和希尔伯特&黄变换在时频分析中的应用

    In time frequency analysis application

  18. 纤维素结晶被破坏;而当底物没有被碱溶胀,或被碱溶胀而没有黄原酸化时,接枝聚合没有明显引起纤维素结晶的变化。

    It was found that the crystalline structure of cellulose could be destroyed by the synergetic effect of alkali swelling , xanthating and grafting ;

  19. 当我采访黄的父母时,他们并没有驳斥黄在书中的描写。但是他们强调和儿子之间有文化和年龄的鸿沟。

    When I spoke to Huang 's parents , they didn 't deny his claims , but they emphasized that there was a cultural and generational gap .

  20. 采用短时傅里叶变换、小波变换和希尔伯特-黄变换等时频联合分析方法,提取了气体传感器响应信号的时频域特征,得到相应的谱图,进行了相应的实验研究和分析比较。

    With time-frequency analysis methods-short time Fourier transform , wavelet transform method and Hilbert-Huang transform , frequency domain features of gas signal are extracted and spectrums are analyzed and compared .

  21. 茎部变细变弱,植物萎蔫,叶片变软下垂,下部叶片开始变黄,严重时甚至完全枯萎。

    The stem became thinner and weaker and the plant wilted , leaves became soft and prolapsed . The bottom leaves began to become yellow firstly , and some completely withered seriously .

  22. 相比之下,女司机表现的则更有礼貌和体贴,在接近潜在危险时更加小心谨慎,正确应用她们的反光镜,黄灯亮时会停止行驶。

    By contrast , women are more likely to be courteous and considerate , take care when approaching potential hazards , use their mirrors correctly and stop at lights when they turn amber .

  23. 它们生长在湿润的林区,容易长成密林,果实外表看上去像红莓,但是颜色有些偏黄,生吃时很甜,但经常加工成果汁、果酒、果脯和果酱。

    They are found in moist forests and create dense thickets . The fruit looks similar to raspberries , but are more orange in color . They are sweet when eaten raw , but are often processed into juice , wine , candies and jams .

  24. 经验模态分解(EMD)方法以及希尔伯特黄(HHT)时频分析方法是近年来涌现出来的在信号处理领域中的新技术之一。

    Empirical mode decomposition ( EMD ) method and Hilbert-Huang ( HHT ) time-frequency analysis methods in recent years have emerged in the signal processing in the field of new technologies .

  25. 分散黄S-RFL拼色时变色现象的探讨

    On Colour Changing during Matching with Disperse Yellow S-RFL

  26. 采用超临界甲醇提取14C-绿黄隆结合残留物时,在超临界状态下维持30min,提取效率可达85.82%。

    Supercritical methanol was used to extract 14C-chlorsulfuron bound residues . When the SFE process was maintained for 30 minutes , 87.82 % of total bound residues was found to be extracted .

  27. 黄西24岁时移民去了美国。

    He emigrated to the US when he was24 .

  28. 在黄阿姨不在时,凌峰把小孩照顾得很好。

    Ling Feng took good care of the baby while Aunt Huang was away .

  29. 黄烷醇氧化时发生的氨基酸降解,产生了红茶香气中的醛类物质。

    The breakdown of amino acids which occurs as the flavanols are oxidized gives rise to aldehydes in black tea aroma .

  30. 本周初,我在国家电影奖中问维克和黄老板的计划时,维克说不能透露太多。

    When I asked Vic about his plans with Ed earlier this week at the National Film Awards , he was understandably keen not to say too much .