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  1. 《中国日报》援引潘涛的话称,北京的PM2.5年均浓度有望在2030年达标。

    China Daily cited Mr. Pan as saying an average PM 2.5 concentration of 35 micrograms per cubic meter could be reached by 2030 .

  2. 但潘涛表示,即便北京及周边地区达到了该目标,颗粒物的浓度仍对健康有害。

    But Mr. Pan said that even if Beijing and the nearby areas were to meet that target , the level of particulate matter would still be harmful to people 's health .

  3. 据《中国日报》报道,「当前北京的污染物排放量仍远超环境容量,任何恶劣的气候条件都容易产生雾霾天,」潘涛说。

    The current pollution emission is far beyond the environmental capacity in the city , and any adverse climate condition would easily result in smoggy days , Mr. Pan said , according to China Daily .

  4. 据《中国日报》报道,「改善北京空气质量不是一项简单的任务,」北京市环境保护科学研究院院长潘涛在参加会议时说。

    Improving air quality in the city is not going to be an easy task , Pan Tao , head of the Beijing Municipal Research Institute of Environmental Protection , said at a conference , according to China Daily .