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  • 网络Du Yue;Selena Du
  1. 本次与“冷扑大师”较量的人类团队由杜悦领队,他是业余扑克玩家,去年在5000美金买入的无限德州扑克世界系列赛中夺冠。

    The human team up against Lengpudashi was led by Yue Du , an amateur poker player who won the World Series of Poker $ 5000 buy-in , no-limit , Texas Hold'em category last year .

  2. 杜悦的“龙之队”由工程师、计算机科学家和投资者组成,他们试图利用博弈论及其机器智能的知识来预测和应对“冷扑大师”的发挥。

    Mr Du 's " Team Dragon " consisted of engineers , computer scientists and investors who attempted to use game theory and their knowledge of machine intelligence to anticipate and counter Lengpudashi 's play .