
  1. 杜亚泉的文化思想&兼评杜、陈文化论争

    On the Cultural Thought of Du Ya quan

  2. 从杜亚泉到吴大猷&20世纪中国科学界论传统与现代化之一瞥

    From DU Ya-quan to WU Da-you : A glimpse at the Chinese scientist thinking about tradition and modernization during the 20th century

  3. 本文以近现代转型时期的中国如何进行道德建设等现实问题的思考为主要旨趣,以个案研究与一般理论研究相结合为研究方法,首先通过对杜亚泉文本的解读,对杜氏的伦理思想进行了梳理。

    This research focus on realistic problems of how to implement morality construction in China , by combining theoretical analysis with empirical case study .

  4. 陈独秀和杜亚泉二人在东西文化调和论、传统文化统整说和普及教育等方面展开了辩论。

    Chen Du-xiu and Du Ya-quan launched the debate about Chinese-West cultural coordination , traditional cultural integration and popularization of education aspect , and so on .

  5. 受中国传统文化熏陶的杜亚泉,由于时局的影响,很早就萌生了济世救民的意识。

    Influenced by the Chinese traditional cultures , Du Ya-quan , sprouted the awareness of saving society and the people early due to the impact of the current situation .