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dù yǔ
  • Du Yu;cuckoo
杜宇 [dù yǔ]
  • [cuckoo] 杜鹃鸟的别名

杜宇[dù yǔ]
  1. 这样,杜宇到底该选择什么样的职业,你就可以做出专业的选择。

    You can now make an educated decision about what career to pursue .

  2. 商末周初,古蜀国由鱼凫王朝跨入了杜宇王朝。

    At the end of Shang Dynasty and the beginning of Zhou dynasty , the ancient Shu entered the Duyu dynasty .

  3. 在远古时期,皇帝的名字叫做杜宇被迫退位而未履行他一生的志向。

    In remote antiquity , an emperor by the name of Du Yu was forced to abdicate without fulfilling his life 's ambition .

  4. 关于杜宇的故事,历史文献有记载,民间有流传,历代文学作品也有反映,其禅位于鳖灵的传说更是为儒家所称美。

    The historic literature has written the story of Du Yu , which is spread among people and reflected in the literary works .