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  1. 对人文精神的追球体现在天下大同、和而不同、阴阳演化、圆道无极。

    The pursuit of humanistic spirit is reflected in the unity and the differences of the world , the evolution of Yin and Yang .

  2. 社会学家费孝通先生曾经提出作为一个世界大国和文明古国,中国应有这样的文化胸怀和文化志向:“各美其美,美人之美,美美与共,天下大同”。

    Noted sociologist Fei Xiaotong had said that as one of the major powers with ancient civilizations , China should have broad breadth of mind and cultural ambition .

  3. 作为一种政治理论,国家主义视国家为人类最高群体,区别于天下大同的世界主义和自由主义的个人主义;

    As a kind of political theory , nationalism view nation as the highest human group , which is different from the " Great Unity " and from the individualism of liberalism .

  4. 在地理上,中国已经不再是天下观念中的中间之国,但在文化上,中国仍然是地球的中心,海外各国最终被中国孔教所化,四海归服,天下大同。

    Geographically , China is no longer a concept of the " middle country " in the word , but in culture , China remain the center position of the Earth .