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  1. 一天,船发生意外,沉下去了。

    One day , the ship had an accident and sank .

  2. 我的天你船里到底装了多少人

    Christ , how many you got in there ?

  3. 一天晚上,船停泊在一个小岛的附近。大约半夜时分,他仿佛听到水底下有人发出哭泣的声音,又好像有人在说话。

    One night , Ai Zi had his boat moored1 near a small island Around midnight , he seemed to hear someone weeping or talking under the water .

  4. 总有一天我的船也会到达终点。

    One of these days my ship is going to come in .

  5. “几天以后,船将临近这城市。”

    " Several days later , the city was in sight of the ship . "

  6. 码头工人加班装船,以便第二天一早就送船出港。

    The dockers loaded the ship overtime so as to send it off Early the next morning .

  7. 想要接近被困于南极洲10天之久船上的乘客,极度的寒冷可谓挡在中间一道重要的难关。

    All the icy ordeal is one major step close to being over for passengers who were trapped on a ship off Antarctica for ten days .

  8. c)买方船运代理(中国外轮代理公司)预计船抵达装运港10天之前,将船名、预计装货日期、合同号等通知卖方,以便卖方安排装运。

    c. The Buyer 's shipping agent ( China Ocean Shipping Agency ) shall send to the Seller notice indicating the name of vessel , estimated date of loading and contract number for the Seller to arrange shipment 10 ( ten ) days before the estimated date of arrival of the vessel at the loading port .

  9. 两天内她和船上所人的人都交上了朋友。

    Within two days , she made friends with everybody on the boat .

  10. 我是知道有一天,我的船会泊岸。

    I must have known that one day it would be my ship .

  11. 如果有一天我在拉船,你愿意过来帮我吗?

    If one day I bend will you come to me and help me ?

  12. 他梦想有一天驾驶自己的船到遥远的地方去。

    And he dreamed of one day sailing to faraway places in his own ship .

  13. 以及我上一天离开那条船时,法勒船长对我说的关于亚哈的那些事情等等;

    and what Captain Peleg had said of him , when I left the ship the day previous ;

  14. 终于,在海上漂浮几天之后,捕鲸船上的幸存者与汽艇上的舰员都得救了。

    After several days out at sea , the men on the motorboat were rescued along with those on the whaler .

  15. 在赫雷兹的测试之后,我有两三天时间,搭船出海,享受了芬兰美丽的夏季。

    After testing in Jerez I had a couple of days to enjoy the beautiful Finnish summer in the sea with the boat .

  16. 飞行的最初两天忙着太空船的电力、寻航、推进和控制系统的试验。

    The first two days of the mission were crammed with tests of the ship 's electrical , navigational , propulsion , and control systems .

  17. 研究人员用了30天的时间住在船里考察这片区域,甚至出动了一架无人机从天上拍摄照片。

    Researchers are spending 30 days living on a boat in the area , and have even taken a drone to capture images from the sky .

  18. 本周早些时候,这艘游轮从迈阿密驶抵了里约热内卢,开启了其为期40天的私人包船服务,随后便有关于这艘“浮动酒店”的新闻传出。

    News of the ' floating hotel ' was announced after the ship sailed from Miami to Rio de Janeiro to begin its 40-night private charter earlier this week .

  19. 执行那次飞行任务的女专家劳雷尔克拉克,在哥伦比亚号着陆前的几天,曾从飞船上发回讲话,她说能有幸看见太空中那些意想不到的自然奇观令她非常开心。

    Mission specialist Laurel Clark , talking from the shuttle a few days before it was to land , said she was delighted by the simple unexpected wonders of space .

  20. 我感到羞辱转身离开,回到旅馆,第二天早上便搭船离开这个城市。

    With the little pride , I had left . I wanted back to the hotel . The following morning , I jumped on a ferry and left the city .

  21. 中日关系一天坏似一天,船上无线电的报告使他们忧虑。

    Sino-Japanese relations were worsening every day , and the news from the ship 's radio made everyone nervous .