
  1. 台湾演员赵又廷凭借《痞子英雄:黎明再起》荣获华鼎奖影帝,美国演员阿德里安布劳迪凭借《天将雄师》摘得最佳男配角。

    Taiwan-based actor Mark Zhao was awarded best actor for action film White and Black Episode 2 , and American actor Adrien Brody won best supporting actor for Dragon Blade .

  2. 所有人大打出手、所有人面露痛苦表情——不过有时所有人也微笑、流泪、歌唱——《天将雄师》是那种疯疯癫癫的多数派娱乐,不仅仅满足于造成一点点影响。

    All fighting , all grimacing - though sometimes all smiling , weeping and singing - " Dragon Blade " is the kind of nutsy maximalist entertainment that isn 't content merely to tap a handful of influences .

  3. 除了女人,《天将雄师》里真是什么都有,大批军队、成群的马匹、一卡车一卡车用羽毛和皮毛装饰的戏服、各种花样翻新的发型、数不清的俯拍镜头和精心设计的打斗场面。

    And , other than women , " Dragon Blade " has a whole lot of everything , including armies of extras , herds of horses , truckloads of feathered-and-furred costumes , bushels of strikingly styled hair , innumerable crane shots and choreographed fights .

  4. 对于《天将雄师》这样一部影片来说,最扫兴的问题莫过于,“这样一部片子究竟有什么好?”它当然没什么好的,反正没什么特别好的。

    The least interesting question to ask about a movie like " Dragon Blade " is whether it 's any good . Of course it isn 't , not especially , but questions of quality pale next to the greater headscratcher : What is it ?