
tiān xìng
  • nature;instinct;natural instincts;God's will;innate quality;fate
天性 [tiān xìng]
  • (1) [innate quality;nature]∶指人先天具有的品质或性情

  • (2) [fate;God's will]∶天命

天性[tiān xìng]
  1. 美学的人文品位主要体现三点:出自本根的人类天性的独白;

    The humane character of aesthetics embodies three points as follows : the monologue of human natural instincts ;

  2. 游戏是儿童的天性,儿童在游戏中成长,在游戏中学习,高质量的游戏环境对于儿童的成长具有重要的意义。

    The play is the children 's natural instincts , and children grow up in the play , study in the play , so the play environment of high quality has important meanings to children 's growth .

  3. 她没有承袭她母亲的宽厚天性。

    She had not inherited her mother 's forgiving nature .

  4. 他天性不喜交际,且自己也无意于此。

    He was a loner by nature and by inclination .

  5. 她因天性矜持很难交到朋友。

    She found it difficult to make friends because of her natural reserve .

  6. 她没有一点做母亲的天性。

    She didn 't have any maternal instincts .

  7. 谋杀是一种有违天性的罪行。

    Murder is a crime against nature .

  8. 如果父母不回答孩子的问题,就会挫伤他们好奇的天性。

    If parents don 't answer children 's questions , their natural curiosity will be squashed .

  9. 父母必须发挥其天性,设身处地从子女的角度感受。

    Parents must make use of their natural ability to empathize .

  10. 骑马这一活动不适合天性易紧张的人。

    The rides are unsuitable for people of a nervous disposition

  11. 出于天性,小男孩们可能会决定利用这一点。

    Little boys , being what they are , might decide to play on it

  12. 她天性坦诚,对人信赖。

    She has an open , trusting nature .

  13. 她信任别人,这是她的天性。

    She trusted people . That was her nature

  14. 他快乐的天性很是招人喜欢。

    He was much loved for his merry nature

  15. 拥有一个天性仁爱的贤妻,我当然很幸运。

    I am certainly lucky to have a kind wife who is loving by nature

  16. 残忍是人的天性之一。

    Cruelty is a normal attribute of human behaviour

  17. 他天性温和。

    Violence is not in his nature

  18. 他天性是个爱开玩笑的人,说话诙谐,很有幽默感。

    He is , by nature , a joker , a witty man with a sense of fun .

  19. 慷慨大方是她的天性。

    It 's in her nature to be generous .

  20. 按她的天性,她是不会做任何粗鲁的事的。

    It is not in her nature to do anything rude .

  21. 对自由的渴望是我们所有人的天性。

    The desire for freedom is inherent in us all .

  22. 老虎和羊有完全不同的天性。

    Tigers and sheep have quite different natures .

  23. 渴望自由不是人类的天性吗?

    Is it not in the nature of all human beings to yearn for freedom ?

  24. 他天性多情。

    He has an amorous nature .

  25. 不妨再利用一次她那善良的天性。

    Her good nature can be presumed upon once too often .

  26. 爱情是一副以天性为画布、用想象创作的油画。

    Love is a canvas furnished by Nature and embroidered1 by imagination .

  27. 脾气是我们的天性。

    It 's our nature to have temper .

  28. 相爱本应是人类天性,但现状并非如此。

    Falling in love is supposed to human ’ s instinct , but the situation doesn 't appear the same .

  29. Kind意思是宽大的、心的、好的、同情心的或是乐于助人的天性、雅的、慈的和温柔的。

    KIND means forgiving , warm-hearted , friendly , of a sympathetic or helpful nature , gentle , merciful , and tender .

  30. 没错,这就是他。我们欣赏的就是Alan那种天性。.我个人可以喝下一加伦的Alan。

    Ross : Yeah , it 's his , uh , innate Alanness that we adore Chandler : I personally could have a gallon of Alan