
  1. 人造金刚石是在工艺生产的钻石,而不是天然钻石,这是在地质过程中创建的。

    Synthetic diamond is diamond produced in a technological process ; As opposed to natural diamond , which is created in geological processes .

  2. 现在通用电气公司已经制造出了巧夺天工的钻石,其纯度比最好的天然钻石还要高。

    Now General Electric have gone one better than nature and made a diamond purer than the best quality natural diamonds .

  3. 这些紫外阴极发光谱在天然钻石和人工处理后的天然钻石中都没有发现,可能是Chatham合成钻石的特征谱,因而可能具有一定鉴定价值。

    We did not find the same ultraviolet cathodoluminescence peaks with natural diamonds , and believe that they may be characteristic peaks and valuable fingerprints of Chatham synthetic diamonds .

  4. 在钻石行业走出金融危机的恐慌之际,这将是天然钻石加工厂商耳中的天籁之音。

    That will be music to the ears of rough-diamond producers , as the industry emerges from its financial crisis funk .

  5. 该处理方法的对象主要有天然钻石、高温高压合成钻石以及化学气相沉淀法合成钻石。

    The objects of the treatment method include mainly the natural diamonds , HTHP synthetic diamonds and chemical vapor deposition ( CVD ) synthetic diamonds .

  6. 天然钻石商人声称他们并不担心,但是德·比尔斯制造了一种可以区分天然钻石和人造钻石的设备,已经分发给珠宝商。

    Natural-diamond merchants claim they aren 't worried , but De Beers has made a device that can distinguish between the natural stones and the synthetics and is distributing it to jewelers .

  7. 经进一步完善后,紫外阴极荧光谱技术有望成为鉴别天然和合成钻石、不同公司合成钻石或同一公司不同批次合成钻石的有效方法。

    After being perfected , the technology of ultraviolet cathodoluminescence spectra might become an effective method for differentiating synthetic diamonds and natural diamonds , or synthetic diamonds from different company , or even synthetic diamonds from the same company but from different crops .

  8. 天然Ⅰa型褐色钻石在高温高压条件下通过加载塑性变形的强度,促进晶体内部位错的增殖和滑移,使钻石由褐色改变为黄绿色;

    High pressure and high temperature ( HPHT ) intensify the plastic deformation of natural ⅰ a brown diamonds and make the dislocation in the crystal multiply and slippage , thus the brown transforms into the yellow-green .

  9. 中间组织的效率边界和产业生命周期是集群演进中的天然樊篱,而钻石体系中体现出来的集群后天不足正是集群与其所在环境的非完美互动的结果。

    The natural obstacles are the efficiency boundary of the interim organization and the industry lifecycle , while the postnatal shortage of clusters embodied in the diamond model is the result of non-perfect interaction between cluster and its surroundings .