
Synthetic diamond is diamond produced in a technological process ; As opposed to natural diamond , which is created in geological processes .
Now General Electric have gone one better than nature and made a diamond purer than the best quality natural diamonds .
We did not find the same ultraviolet cathodoluminescence peaks with natural diamonds , and believe that they may be characteristic peaks and valuable fingerprints of Chatham synthetic diamonds .
That will be music to the ears of rough-diamond producers , as the industry emerges from its financial crisis funk .
The objects of the treatment method include mainly the natural diamonds , HTHP synthetic diamonds and chemical vapor deposition ( CVD ) synthetic diamonds .
Natural-diamond merchants claim they aren 't worried , but De Beers has made a device that can distinguish between the natural stones and the synthetics and is distributing it to jewelers .
After being perfected , the technology of ultraviolet cathodoluminescence spectra might become an effective method for differentiating synthetic diamonds and natural diamonds , or synthetic diamonds from different company , or even synthetic diamonds from the same company but from different crops .
High pressure and high temperature ( HPHT ) intensify the plastic deformation of natural ⅰ a brown diamonds and make the dislocation in the crystal multiply and slippage , thus the brown transforms into the yellow-green .
The natural obstacles are the efficiency boundary of the interim organization and the industry lifecycle , while the postnatal shortage of clusters embodied in the diamond model is the result of non-perfect interaction between cluster and its surroundings .