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  1. 还有,如果你正在看这篇文章,你很可能在你一天复一天的工作中得到休息。

    Plus , if you 're reading this , you could probably use a break from your day-to-day routine .

  2. 现报盘如下,以五天内复到为准。

    We are making you the following offer , subject to your reply reaching here within five days .

  3. 在一天的复诵中,若只有一次感到自己的诚心诚意,放心吧!你已经为自己省下了许多年的功夫了。

    If only once during the day you feel that you were perfectly sincere while you were repeating today 's idea , you can be sure that you have saved yourself many years of effort .

  4. 然而,随着4月8日即将到来,XP系统的艳阳天将不复存在。

    Yet come April 8 , XP 's sunny day is over .

  5. 可爱的金鱼和小仓鼠、小白鼠以及塑料杯中的小小种子-它们都会有那么一天将不复存在。

    Goldfish and hamsters and white mice and even the little seed in the plastic cup-they all die .

  6. 天低又复云暗,飞过雪花一片。穿越车辙马圈,去留择决艰难。

    THE sky is low , the clouds are mean , A travelling flake of snow Across a barn or through a rut Debates if it will go .

  7. 胺碘酮组:胺碘酮600mg分3次口服,连服7天,未转复者电复律,以最低有效量维持窦律。

    The other group took amiodarone ( 200 mg three times per day for 7 days ) before electrical cardioversion and sinus rhythm were maintained with amiodarone .

  8. 我没有一天不把它复说一遍;

    I must , each day say o'er the very same ,

  9. 总有一天我们将不复存在

    is that someday we will cease to be

  10. 许多中风患者都可再活多年,所以病后应尽快在两天之内就开始复健和言语治疗,以便尽可能更多地保留和恢复机体功能。

    Rehabilitation and speech therapy should begin within two days to retain and restore as much function as possible , since survivors may live many more years .

  11. 你们祈祷奇迹出现的时候,我们听到的是你们衷心希望,总有一天我们将不复存在。和我们长着相同面孔的陌生人将会取代我们,得到你们所有的爱。

    This is what we hear when you pray for a cure-that your fondest wish for us is that someday we will cease to be and strangers you can love will move in behind our faces .