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  • 网络changping district
  1. 以GIS为核心的昌平区景观生态分析与规划信息系统

    GIS based landscape ecology analysis & Planning Information System of Changping District

  2. 北京市昌平区2004&2008年食品与公共场所从业人员HBsAg携带情况

    Carrying Status of HbsAg among Employees from Catering and Public Places in Changping District of Beijing City during 2004-2008

  3. 昌平区信息资源平台工程项目启示我们,GIS在信息资源平台建设中的应用,是当前GIS在电子政务中应用值得关注的新方向。

    It is important to study the new direction of GIS application in information resource platform .

  4. 2008年昌平区公共卫生从业人员HBsAg携带分析

    Analysis of HBsAg in public health staff in Changping in 2008

  5. 大城市边缘区LUCC驱动力的时空分异研究&以北京昌平区为例

    Temporal and Spatial Variation of LUCC Driving Forces on the Edge of Metropolis : A Case Study of Changping District

  6. 500kV昌平2号变微机变压器保护运行分析

    Analysis on 500 kV Microprocessor Based Transformer Protection

  7. 昌平-丰南断裂已断到中更新世地层(Q2),为倾向SW的左旋走滑正断层。

    The Changping Fengnan fault is a SW dipping sinistral slip normal fault , which dissects the middle Pleistocene ( Q 2 ) strata .

  8. 这是财新给大家展示的来自昌平政府的文件,文件上称近日,昌平区南部的20家私立幼儿园中有8家被政府检查人员评为C级,这就意味着这些幼儿园没有达到标准,必须要对其进行取缔。

    A document from the Changping government that Caixin has seen shows that eight of the 20 private kindergartens in the southern part of the district have been rated C by government inspectors recently , meaning that they do not meet standards and must be closed .

  9. 基于ComGIS旅游专家信息系统的研制&以北京市昌平区为例

    The Research of Tour Expert Information System Based on ComGIS & Taking Changping District as an example

  10. XXX广场凭借前瞻的商业开发视野,以全业态旗舰商业的形式占据昌平新城核心,具有无可取代的新城商业中心地位。

    XXX Plaza is irreplaceable as the commercial center of the new town thanks to its forward-looking business development insight and all-formats flagship businesses in the core area of the new town .

  11. 采用三台CSH-1型次声接收器,在北京昌平区布置了一个次声测量三点阵,并观测到1998年11月17日狮子座流星雨产生的次声波P-t曲线和波速波向图。

    A tripartite array for infrasonic measurement in Changping county , Beijing was arranged , using three CSH-1 infrasonic receivers . The infrasonic signals ( P-t curve and wave vector ) produced by the meteor shower from Leo on November 17,1998 were observed .

  12. 北京市大兴县、昌平区2000年3S土地利用变更调查工作实践表明:此技术具有工期短、精度高、费用低、数据可靠性高等优点,是传统变更调查方法所无法比拟的。

    In 2000 , the practice of " 3S " land use change survey in Daxing county and Changping district of Beijing indicated that it had more advantages than traditional method , such as shorter work-period , higher mapping precision , lower expenditure and better reliability .

  13. 北京市昌平区儿童乙型肝炎疫苗接种率调查

    Survey on vaccination rate of hepatitis B in Changping District , Beijing

  14. 数字昌平空间信息发布系统的设计和具体实现。

    Designing and developing the special information spreading system of the DigitalChangping .

  15. 昌平锰银多金属矿矿石工艺性质研究

    Study on technological characteristics of Mn Ag multi metal ore in Changping

  16. 昌平综合体育馆立体桁架斜拉索空间结构施工技术

    Construction Technology of Spatial Truss Stay Cable Structure in Changping Comprehensive Gymnasium

  17. 北京市昌平县土地类型及农业区划问题

    Land types and agricultural regionalization in the Chang Ping county , beijing

  18. 数字昌平整体框架结构的设计;

    Designing the whole frame structure of the Digital Changping ;

  19. 昌平区水资源评价与预测研究

    Study on Assessment and Prediction of Water Resources in Changping

  20. 北京典型山镇生态功能区划研究&以昌平区流村镇为例

    Study on the Ecological Function Regionalization of Typical Hill Towns in Beijing

  21. 北京市昌平区温泉水域场所卫生现况调查分析

    Sanitary survey of hot spring bathing spots in Changping district , Beijing

  22. 昌平南口山前断裂断层分段的地震学特征

    Seismological Features of the Segmentation of Nankou Piedmont Fault in Changping County

  23. 昌平区农村精神分裂症患者阶段性社区康复治疗对照研究

    Gradual Community-based Rehabilitation for Schizophrenia in Changping Countryside : A Comparative Study

  24. 浅谈北京市昌平区乡镇集中供水工程规划

    On the planning of centralized water-supply works in the township of Beijing suburbs

  25. 北京师范大学昌平校区总体规划

    Planning scheme of Changping Campus , Beijing Normal University

  26. 试验区设在北京昌平。

    The testing area was in Changping , Beijing .

  27. 北京市昌平区中小学生高血压患病与体重水平的关系

    Relationship between Hypertension Prevalence and Body Weight in Students in Beijing Changping Area

  28. 昌平台钻孔应变固体潮调合分析

    Harmonic analysis of earth tide of borehole strain data observed at Changping station

  29. 展览活动将在巴可北京昌平工厂进行。

    The event will be held at the Barco plant in Changping , Beijing .

  30. 昌平绘就产业发展新蓝图

    Changping finishes her new blueprint for industrial development