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  1. 局部转染核因子κB反义和诱骗寡核苷酸能抑制所调控靶基因表达。

    Antisense and decoy oligonucleotide of NF - κ B by local lipofectamine transfer inhibit the expression of regulated target gene .

  2. 核因子κB的反义和诱骗性寡核苷酸对大鼠球囊损伤后血管狭窄和新生内膜形成的影响

    Role of the Antisense and Decoy Oligonucleotide of Nuclear Factor - κ B in the Vessel Stenosis and Neointima Formation in Balloon-injured Rat Artery

  3. 核因子κB反义和诱骗寡核苷酸联合作用对培养人脐静脉内皮细胞血管细胞粘附分子1表达的影响

    The Simultaneous Effect of Antisense and Decoy Oligonucleotides of Nuclear Factor - κ B on Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 Expression in Human Vascular Endothelial Cells

  4. 主要结果如下:1、菊花DgLsL基因的反义和RNAi载体的构建。

    The main results are followed : 1 . The construction of plant antisense and RNAi expression vector .

  5. 核因子κB反义和诱骗性寡核苷酸可抑制MMP-9的表达。NF-κB对大鼠血管平滑肌细胞和基质金属蛋白酶的作用

    Antisense and decoy oligonucleotide of NF - κ B inhibited NF κ B - activated MMP-9 expression . Effect of antisense and decoy oligonucleotide of nuclear factor kappa B on rat smooth muscle cell proliferation and matrix metalloproteinase

  6. 目的探讨核转录因子NF-κB的反义和诱骗性寡核苷酸对大鼠颈动脉球囊损伤后血管增殖反应及相应细胞因子、细胞外信号调节激酶的影响。

    Aim To examine the in vivo effect of the antisense or / and decoy oligonucleotide of NF - κ B on vessel proliferation and balloon-injured monocytes chemotactic protein-1 ( MCP-1 ) and extracellular signal regulated kinase in the carotid artery of rats .

  7. ACORD是一个在非洲17个国家,为社会公义和发展而工作的国际联盟。

    ACORD is an international alliance working for social justice and development in17 countries in Africa .

  8. 转核酶基因、反义和正义CMV-CP基因番茄的抗黄瓜花叶病毒(CMV)研究

    Resistance to Cucumber Mosaic Virus ( CMV ) in the Transgenic Tomatoes Inserted by Ribozyme and Antisense , Sense Genes of CMV - CP

  9. DFI作为面向未来的设计学院一直鼓励着它的学子们思考创意的真义和设计师的责任。

    DFI , positioning itself as a design school of tomorrow , encourages its students to reflect the meaning of creativity and the responsibilities of a designer .

  10. 目的探讨核因子κBp65亚基的反义和诱骗性寡核苷酸单独或联合作用对大鼠颈动脉球囊损伤后血管平滑肌细胞增殖和细胞基质金属蛋白酶的影响。

    Objective We examined the in vivo effect of the antisense or / and decoy oligonucleotide of nuclear factor - κ appa B ( NF - κ B ) on balloon-injured smooth muscle cell proliferation and MMP-9 in the carotid artery of rats .

  11. 那种爱国主义会很快转变成侵略丰义和偏执情绪。

    Scuh patriotism can turn into jingosim and intolerance very quickly .

  12. 你登上皇位后能带来公义和真理。

    Cannot justice and truth be served better upon a throne .

  13. 社会进步的必然&义和利从对立到统一

    Necessity of Social Progress & Reason and Interests from Opposition to Unity

  14. 字面义和隐含义的翻译&《红楼梦》英译文研究

    Translation of literal and implied meaning in A Dream in Red Mansions

  15. 时间副词对动词的持续义和非持续义的影响

    The Influence of Time Adverbs on the Continuity and Discontinuity of Verbs

  16. 榆树市义和电灌区工程效益评价

    Benefit and effect evaluation for Yihe electricity irrigation district projects in YuShu City

  17. 在不同的句法结构中,心理动词的语义表现为属性义和非属性义。

    Psychological verbs may be of attribute or non-attribute in the different structures .

  18. 增强人民的体质是科学发展观的应有之义和贯彻科学发展观的必然要求。

    To strengthen people 's constitution is the requirement of the view of scientific development .

  19. 你所命定的法度,是凭公义和至诚。

    You have given your unchanging word in righteousness , and it is for ever .

  20. 义和庄至西河口位处黄河河口河段。

    The reach from Yihezhuang to Xihekou is located in the Yellow River mouth region .

  21. 慈爱和诚实彼此相遇;公义和平安彼此相亲。

    Steadfast love and faithfulness will meet ; righteousness and peace will kiss each other .

  22. 以法律促进生物质能的发展,是法治社会的应有之义和必然要求。

    It is the necessary meaning of improving the development of biomass energy by law .

  23. 课程内容涵盖语法、义和篇章层次的处理。

    The class will cover models at the level of syntactic , semantic and discourse processing .

  24. 密云和幽暗,在他的四围。公义和公平,是他宝座的根基。

    Clouds and thick darkness surround him ; righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne .

  25. 因此每当我来到十字架的面前,我就看见神的公义和对我的爱。

    Whenever I come to the cross , I see God 's righteousness and love for me .

  26. 律法怎么可能是圣洁,公义和良善的,如果它欺骗人们?

    How can the law be holy , and just , and good if it 's deceiving people ?

  27. 英汉词典中例证翻译的特殊性使它有别于词典中的词目译义和文学翻译。

    The example translation is specific and different from the literary translation as well as the entry translation .

  28. 将湖南文学与外国文学进行比较研究,有其特定的概念规范和学术要求:湖南文学有其时空不同的广义、中义和狭义之分;

    The comparative studies between Hunan literature and foreign literature require the specification of the concepts and academic awareness .

  29. 公信力是司法的内在逻辑要求、题中应有之义和其生命力的保证。

    Credibility is the inner logical requirements of judicature and it should be the guaranty for judicature to work .

  30. 充当补语时,来可以表示动作趋向义和完成结果义。

    When used as a complement , it can express the meaning of action tendency and that of accomplishment .