
  1. 诗85:11诚实从地而生、义从天而现。

    Truth springs from the earth , And righteousness looks down from heaven .

  2. 在句子以上层面需要重视语用意义,包括言外之意。词汇层面的指称义从属于句子层面的命题义,而命题义从属于语用意义。

    Beyond the sentence level , the pragmatic meaning should be emphasized , including illocutionary meaning . In other words , reference is subordinate to propositional meaning , which is in its turn subordinate to pragmatic meaning .

  3. 在这种情况下,反而是反义RNA从远处的碱基配对开始转录,但它仍可达成阻止转录的开始。

    In this case , instead , antisense RNA sets up base pairs far away from where the reading should start ? but still manages to stop the reading .

  4. 无二义性从轮廓线重建三维医学表面的新方法

    New method for uniquely reconstructing 3D medical surfaces from contours

  5. 中义光线从一个介质到另一个介质时产生的角度改变。

    The angle that results when a light ray bends as it passes from one medium to another .

  6. 价值观念珍贵地提醒个人必须遵守命令以便自己的生活有章可循,有义可从。

    And values are the precious reminders that individuals oBey to Bring order and meaning into their personal lives .

  7. 社会进步的必然&义和利从对立到统一

    Necessity of Social Progress & Reason and Interests from Opposition to Unity

  8. 词的义值可从它出现的语境中推测出来;

    The true value of a word can be inferred through its context ;

  9. 耶和华阿,求你为你的名将我救活。凭你的公义,将我从患难中领出来。

    Give me life , o lord , because of your name ; in your righteousness take my soul out of trouble .

  10. 本文从胡字与名词、动词的组合关系,探讨胡字北方少数民族和西域地区义的语源,从民族学、文化学的角度,分析胡字的词义与词性。

    The present paper deals with the etymology of Chinese character " Hu " based on northern ethnic minority areas and the Western Region ; makes an analysis of its meaning and part of speech from the perspective of ethnology and science of culture .

  11. 本文还尝试运用认知语言学的句式义及隐喻学理论对双宾句式的句式义进行探讨,从更深的层面对双宾句式的特征做分析。

    This paper attempts to use " construction grammar " and metaphor theory which is much profound to analyze the double object linguistic structure , which was reasonable in both form and meaning .

  12. 接着,运用语素共义与语素变义的观点,分析好在构成复合词中的意义或表义作用,并从好的构词能力和好的词形词义变化看好的语义自由度。

    Then we analyse its meanings or its semantic functions in the compound words by utilizing the viewpoint on morpheme similarity and morpheme variation .