
  1. 他的文学作品少而精,一篇《鹦鹉赋》使他在文学史上占有一席之地。

    His literature works were little but excellent . " Fu on the parrot " made him occupy one seat on the literary history .

  2. 其原因在于:第一,自祢衡《鹦鹉赋》起,鹦鹉在文人骚客心中便具有了特殊的文化意蕴。

    It because : firstly , since Parrots Ode , written by Mi Heng , it had a special culture image in poets and literati .

  3. 自汉末祢衡为《鹦鹉赋》,魏晋时期继作者十余人。

    Since the appearance of the Fu on Parrot by Mi Heng at the end of the Han Dynasty , there were nearly a dozen of followers in the Wei and Jin Dynasties .