
kuā shì
  • describe in an exaggerative way;exaggeratedly embellish;describe exaggeratively
夸饰 [kuā shì]
  • [describe exaggeratively] 过分地夸张修饰

夸饰[kuā shì]
  1. 无论你怎样夸饰,办公室工作都不令人向往。

    However much you try to dress it up , office work is not glamorous .

  2. 探讨隐喻性夸饰技法平面广告的相关情形。

    Explore the metaphorical techniques liquidates the related case of print advertisement .

  3. 发现隐喻性夸饰技法运用于平面广告的设计原则。

    Found liquidates metaphorical techniques applied to the design principles of print advertisement .

  4. 这文章中的语言夸饰得有些过分了吧?

    Does the description in this article exaggerate excessively ?

  5. 这种风格常常是夸饰而重复的。

    The style is often declamatory and repetitive .

  6. 自我夸张别无选择&谈广告语言的夸饰性

    On the Exaggerating Quality of Advertising Language

  7. 了解不同背景对象对于隐喻性夸饰技法平面广告的感觉之差异情形。

    To understand the object of different backgrounds liquidates the metaphorical sense of techniques of print advertising differences .

  8. 探讨消费者对隐喻性夸饰技法平面广告的感觉情形及认知了解情形。

    To explore metaphorical liquidates consumer print advertising techniques and cognitive understanding of the situation feel the situation .

  9. 第二,根据比况短语的语义特征将其分为五类,分别是:表示比喻、比拟、夸饰、推测和比较。

    Second , it can be classified into five different categories in the light of its semantic features .

  10. 刘勰的夸饰论在夸饰研究史上占有特别重要的地位。

    Liu Xie 's criticism of exaggerations has played an unexceptionally significant role in the rhetorical explorations of exaggerations .

  11. 女帽则经历了一些非常夸饰的时期,最后的这种阶段是发生在第一次世界大战前几年。

    Women 's hats went through periods of astonishing ostentation , the last being the years preceding World War I.

  12. 赵至以“士息”的眼光看待已是太子舍人的嵇蕃,言辞问夸饰、流溢钦慕之情,实属正常。

    It is natural for Zhao Zhi to treat Ji Shao with admiration and exaggeration because Ji Shao was already the prince then .

  13. 唐代颂赞文体的修辞则表现为:唐代的颂和赞多采用比喻和夸饰等微观修辞技巧,在宏观修辞上,唐颂多注重全知视点、节奏和距离,唐赞则多注重全知视点和场面。

    The rhetoric of Song and Zan in Tang appeared that both of them had adopted micro-rhetoric skills such as metaphor and exaggeration , however , on macro - rhetoric skills , Song focus more on omni-viewpoint , cadence and interval , and Zan focus more on omni-viewpoint and spectacle .