
  1. “雅洁”从语言风格方面对“义法”作了补充。

    " Ya-Jie " complements the meaning of " Yi-Fa " from the aspect of language style .

  2. 添义法,旧有单词词形保持不变,增添新的含义;

    Meaning addition , a new word comes into being by keeping the form of an old word but with a novel and different meaning ;

  3. “义法”说凸显了形式的重要作用,深化了传统“文道”关系问题的讨论。

    The view of " Yi-Fa " manifests the important role of form , and deepens the arguments about the relationship between " Wen " and " Dao " in tradition .

  4. 在方苞的“义法”说中,“义”是具有重要意义的事物和道理,“法”则是“义”的存在形式。

    In Fang Bao 's view of " Yi-Fa "," Yi " means things and truth that bears important significance , and " Fa " is the form of " Yi " .

  5. 我国法律体系中也使用了中义社会法的概念。

    The usage of Social Law in China 's legal system is also on the medium level .

  6. 增义音译法的原则

    On the Principles of Transliteration

  7. 字作为基本结构单位的音、形、义、法

    On the Phonetic , Orthographic , Semantic and Grammatical Properties of Zi as a Basic Structural Unit

  8. 实现商标名语用等值的翻译方法主要有命名义对等法、命名义补偿法和谐音寓意法等。

    And reciprocity , compensation and homophonic translation with implied meaning are the main methods to realize the pragmatic equivalence of brand-name translation .

  9. 中义减色法中的主要颜色之一,会反色红、绿光,吸收蓝光。为四色墨中的一个。

    The subtractive transparent primary color that should reflect red and green , and absorb blue light . One of the process-color inks .

  10. 结语:依法行政是建设法治社会的应有之义,法就应该具有至高无上的权威。

    The administration according to law is constructs the government by law society to have righteousness , the law should have the supreme authority .

  11. 国际法规不仅仅是关于一丝不苟地公平的试验和标准处罚,但它也是关于使透人在冠明没军,除非有侵害广泛宣传和义的法被定律准则被检控。

    The international rule of law is not merely about scrupulously fair trials and standard punishments , but it is also about making crystal clear that no one is prosecuted in the first place unless there is a violation of well-publicized and defined legal norms .

  12. 各输出间存在相互作用噪声时的辨识问题通过使用递推广义增广最小二乘法(RGELA)得到解决。

    The problem of identification in the presence of interactive noises at different outputs is solved by using the recursive generalized extended least-squares method .

  13. 论语义构成成分分析法分析英语一词多义现象

    Comments on the English Polysemous Phenomenon Analyzed by the Componential Analysis

  14. 论汉字形义联想识字教学法

    Discussion on the Method of Teaching Chinese Character Literacy Through Association of the Form and Meaning

  15. 时间连接成分反映了篇章中相关事件的时间先后关系,是篇章组织中时间顺序义的显性表达法。

    Temporal markers reflect the chronological order of the related events in discourse in an overt way .

  16. 本文初步考察了西宁及周边地区汉语方言的介词及其相关义的各种表达法。

    This paper gives a general study on prepositions of Xining dialect and the surrounding areas and on various ways of expression of their related meanings .