
  1. 义利之辩折射精神与价值观

    Spirit and Value Reflected From the Debate of justice and Benefit

  2. 先秦儒家义利之辩思想探析

    A Survey of " the Debate of Yi and Li " of Pre-Qin Confucian Thought

  3. 鱼和熊掌何以得兼?&义利之辩与近代价值观变革

    The Debate on " Righteousness versus Profitableness " and the Revolution of Values in Modern China

  4. 从义利之辩的视角,可以得出道德义务与幸福的功利型、义务型、双弃型和兼顾型等四种关系。

    It is an important way of analyzing the relationship of the moral obligation and happiness from the perspective of the debate on righteousness versus profitableness .

  5. 尽管中国古代和西方都有过激烈的义利之辩,形成了较为系统的理论,但在市场经济条件下,义利观的不断发展使其具备了崭新的特点。

    Chinese antiquity and the west both have had heated arguments about the relation between justice and benefit and formed systematic theories , but in the market economy conditions , the outlook on justice and benefit has appeared new traits with continuous development .