
  1. 延边地区朝鲜族城乡义务教育均衡发展问题刍议

    Balanced Development of Compulsory Education for Korean Ethnic Group in Yanbian

  2. 义务教育均衡发展问题探析&以福建省为例

    A Case Study of Balanced Development of Compulsory Education in Fujian Province

  3. 二是促进义务教育均衡发展。

    Second , we will promote the balanced development of compulsory education .

  4. 义务教育均衡发展的政府投入行为分析

    The Analysis of Goverment Investment on the Balanced Development of Compulsory Enducation

  5. 南非推动义务教育均衡发展的主要机制与措施分析

    Mechanism and Measures Adopted to Promote Equity in Compulsory Education in South Africa

  6. 最后基于义务教育均衡发展的伦理原则上提出了相应的对策。

    Finally , this thesis provides countermeasures based on compulsory education equalization theory .

  7. 义务教育均衡发展是一个有关教育公平的问题。

    The balanced development of compulsory education is an issue of education equality .

  8. 县域义务教育均衡发展研究

    A Research on the Balanced Development of Compulsory Education in a County Area

  9. 第五章是全文的重点,阐述了推进济南市义务教育均衡发展的策略。

    It elaborates the strategy for promoting the balanced development of Jinan compulsory education .

  10. 第五部分在总结以上问题与研究结论的基础上,从财政角度提出促进我国义务教育均衡发展的政策建议。

    The last chapter put forward proposals to improve balanced development of basic education .

  11. 从经费视野看城乡义务教育均衡发展

    Balanced Development of Compulsory Education in Urban and Rural Areas from the Economic Perspective

  12. 对北京市义务教育均衡发展问题的分析与思考

    On Balanced Development of Compulsory Education in Beijing

  13. 二战后美国义务教育均衡发展研究

    The Research on the Balanced Development of American Compulsory Education after the World War ⅱ

  14. 建设标准化学校搭建义务教育均衡发展的操作平台

    Building Standard School & the Foundational Strategy of Balanced Development for Compulsory Education in China

  15. 其研究成果期望能为晋州市城乡义务教育均衡发展提供决策参考。

    The study is hoped to provide decision-making reference to balanced CE development of Jinzhou .

  16. 拉萨市义务教育均衡发展现状与对策研究

    The Present Situation and a Countermeasure Study of Balanced Development of Compulsory Education in Lhasa

  17. 义务教育均衡发展是社会主义教育事业的本质要求。

    The balance of development on compulsory education is the intrinsic requirement of socialist education .

  18. 第六部分,对国外义务教育均衡发展的经验借鉴。

    The sixth part takes the balanced development of compulsory education on foreign experience for reference .

  19. 近年来,义务教育均衡发展问题更是成为了一个焦点问题。

    In recent years , the balanced development of compulsory education has become a focal point .

  20. 本体论域的义务教育均衡发展

    Original Balanced Development of Compulsory Education

  21. 义务教育均衡发展与贫困地区学生就学资助的关联研究

    Some Reflections on Balanced Development of Compulsory Education and Schooling Assistance for Students in Backward Areas

  22. 义务教育均衡发展应当是实现教育公平目标的重要基础。

    The balanced development of compulsory education should be the important basis to realize education fair goal .

  23. 第三部分,介绍义务教育均衡发展的实质、目标和原则。

    The third part introduces the essence of the objectives and principles on balanced development of compulsory .

  24. 寻求新农村建设过程中义务教育均衡发展的可能路径&基于江苏省的实地考察

    Finding a Likelihood Path of Balanced Development of Compulsory Education In the Process of New Country Construction

  25. 政府当前推进义务教育均衡发展,实质就是要均衡配置资源。

    The government promote balanced development of compulsory , which in essence is balanced allocation of resources .

  26. 区域义务教育均衡发展是教育政策的必然取向。

    The balanced development in compulsory education in a region is the inevitable orientation of the education policy .

  27. 其中,教师配置不均衡是制约义务教育均衡发展的一个关键因素。

    And the teacher allocation imbalance is a key factor in restricting the balanced development of compulsory education .

  28. 第四部分,阐述推进义务教育均衡发展的现实动因与价值诉求。

    The fourth part explains the practical motivation and value proposition of promoting the balanced development of compulsory .

  29. 推进义务教育均衡发展的重要基础是义务教育资源配置的均衡。

    The equilibrium of the resource allocation is the important basis of promoting the balanced development of the compulsory education .

  30. 最后提出了促进洪泽县义务教育均衡发展的策略。

    At last the thesis puts forward the strategy of promoting the balanced development of compulsory education of Hongze County .