
  • 网络Multiple Access;TDMA;CDMA;SDMA;OFDM-TDMA
  1. 在时分多址系统中,由地面站传送的一个分立数字组。

    In a TDMA system , a discrete group of digits transmitted by a single earth station .

  2. 在分析支持系统设计的有关技术的基础上,以主从式网络及时分多址网络为例给出了设计一个实时系统的可执行方案。

    After giving a discussion of the technologies which support the design of realtime system , taking Master / Slaves system and TDMA system as examples , a practical plan for designing the realtime system is given .

  3. TCM正交序列扩频多址通信系统性能分析

    Performance Analysis of TCM Orthogonal Sequences Spread Spectrum Multiple-Access Communication System

  4. 移动adhoc网络中应用智能天线的多址协议及其性能分析

    Multiple Access Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Network with Smart Antennas

  5. 移动adhoc网络中的公平按需多址接入协议

    A Fair On-Demand Access Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  6. 应用于adhoc网络中的一种新型多址接入协议

    A new multiple access protocol for the Ad Hoc network

  7. 移动adhoc网络中一种有效多址协议的性能仿真

    Simulation Study on an Efficient Multiple Access Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  8. 双忙音多址接入-adhoc网络中的多址接入控制机制的研究

    Research of Multi-access Control Scheme of Ad Hoc Network

  9. 卫星ATM中的复用自适应随机预约多址协议研究

    Multiplexed Random Reservation Adaptive Assignment Protocol for ATM over Satellite

  10. 码份多址(CDMA)技术及其最新研究进展

    Code Division Multiple Access ( CDMA ) and Its New Research Development

  11. 新型卫星CDMA系统多址序列设计

    A new family of multiple access sequences in the satellite CDMA systems

  12. CDMA通信系统多址干扰的仿真研究

    Simulation Studies of Multiple Access Interference of CDMA Communication Systems

  13. 多址干扰对消及多用户检测技术在CDMA系统中的作用

    Multiaccess Interference Cancellation and Multiusers Detection Method in CDMA Systems

  14. adhoc网络的扩频多址接入协议的研究与展望

    Research on and Prospect of the Spread Spectrum Multiple Access Protocol in Ad hoc Networks

  15. 瑞利衰落信道下OFDM系统多址接入方案的性能比较

    On performance of multiple access for OFDM transmission technique in rayleigh fading channel

  16. CDMA系统中的信道估计和多址干扰

    Channel Estimation and Multiple Access Interference in CDMA System

  17. OFDM技术对抑制多址干扰的研究

    Research on Suppressing Multiaccess Interference by OFDM Technology

  18. UWB系统的一种改进型伪混沌跳时多址接入技术

    An improved pseudo-chaotic time hopping scheme for UWB multiple access

  19. 应用于WLAN的自适应令牌型公平性保障多址接入协议

    A new multiple access protocol for WLAN based on adaptive token passing

  20. 同时,进一步探讨适用于卫星ATM网络的几种新型、有效的多址联接方案。

    Meanwhile , we discuss some new , efficient access schemes for satellite ATM networks .

  21. CDMA系统中自适应阵列天线结合参数估计方法抗多址干扰技术的研究

    Combination of an Adaptive Array Antenna and Parameter Estimation for Interference Suppression for CDMA System

  22. 一种基于完备互补码的UWB多址接入方式

    A Multiple Access Method Based on Complete Complementary Codes in Ultra WideBand Wireless Communication

  23. 双载波多路(PairedCarrierMultipleAccess,简称PCMA)是一种新兴的卫星通信多址技术。

    PCMA ( Paired Carrier Multiple Access ) is a new way of multiple access in satellite communication .

  24. 随着用户数的增加或信号功率的增大,多址干扰就成为宽带CDMA通信系统的一个主要干扰。

    With the increase of users , MAI becomes the main jam of broadband CDMA communication system .

  25. 时分导频位CDMA系统上行链路阵列接收及部分多址干扰抑制技术

    Adaptive array processing and partial MAI cancellation technique for the uplink of time-multiplexed pilot bits CDMA system

  26. 一种基于跳预约多址接入认知无线MAC协议

    HRMA-Based Cognitive Radio MAC Protocol

  27. 提出了一种可以在多径环境下消除CDMA多址干扰的新扩频方案。

    A new spreading scheme is introduced for nullifying the multi-access interference ( MAI ) for CDMA systems .

  28. 采用动态令牌的MANET多址接入协议

    Research on Multiple Access Control Protocol with Dynamic Token Algorithm for MANET

  29. HFC接入网中多址接入技术与信道噪声特性的关系

    Relationship Between Multiple-address Technique and Noise Characteristics in Channel in HFC Access Network

  30. LTE系统中上行多址接入技术PAPR的研究

    Research on PAPR of uplink multiple access technology in LTE system