
  • 网络MUD
  1. 大多数的多用户检测技术都是在假设用户信号已经同步和用户信号功率已知等条件下进行的。

    Most MUD algorithms are developed with the assumption of perfect user signal synchronization and accurate knowledge on the user signal power .

  2. CDMA系统容量分析与多用户检测技术研究

    Research on Capacity of CDMA System and MUD Technology

  3. 本文讨论了GPS干扰源抑制中的多用户检测技术。

    The technology of multi-user detection ( MUD ) in GPS interference source suppression is discussed .

  4. CDMA系统中多用户检测技术的分析

    Analysis of Multi-user Detection ( MUD ) Technique in CDMA System

  5. 一种子空间盲自适应多用户检测技术在天线阵CDMA系统中的应用

    A Subspace Approach for Multiuser Detection in Antenna Array CDMA Systems

  6. 研究了CDMA系统中的多用户检测技术的原理和作用,并对连续干扰消除多用户检测器消除干扰的原理和过程进行了详细的阐述;

    This paper studies the principle of multi-detection technique in CDMA system ;

  7. 基于神经网络的智能多用户检测技术在CDMA中的应用

    The Application of Neural Networks-based Intelligent Multiuser Detection Technology to CDMA Systems

  8. 宽带CDMA中的多用户检测技术研究

    Research On Multi-user Detection Technique for Wideband CDMA System

  9. 超宽带Rake接收机性能分析与多用户检测技术研究

    Research on the Performance Analysis of UWB Rake Receiver and Multi-user Detection Technology

  10. 多用户检测技术是宽带CDMA通信系统抗干扰的关键技术。

    Multi-user Detector ( MUD ) is the key interference cancellation technology of the wideband CDMA communication system .

  11. 提出一种自适应变尺度暂态混沌神经网络,并将其应用于CDMA的多用户检测技术。

    An improved adaptive chaotic neural network algorithm was proposed and applied to the CDMA multiuser detection technique .

  12. 空时多用户检测技术是一种有效消除CDMA系统中多址干扰和码间干扰的方法。

    Parallel factor analysis based space-time multiuser detection algorithm for CDMA systems with larger delay spread is presented .

  13. CDMA多用户检测技术

    CDMA Multiuser Detection technology

  14. 多用户检测技术因可极大提高CDMA系统的容量而受到广泛关注。

    Multiuser detection technique draws more and more attention because it can highly increase the capacity of CDMA system .

  15. Turbo多用户检测技术的引入,成功地解决了这一问题。

    As the Turbo multiuser detection technology has been introduced , we success in solving the problem above .

  16. 在CDMA系统中,多用户检测技术是提高系统容量,减少用户间干扰的关键。

    Multi-user detection is a key technique to increase the capacity and to reduce the interference for a CDMA system .

  17. 在DS/CDMA系统中,采用多用户检测技术可以有效地克服多址干扰(MAI,MultipleAccessInterference)及远近效应。

    In DS / CDMA system , the multiuser detection technique is used to remove the Multiple Access Interference ( MAI ) and resist near-far effect .

  18. 基于Gibbs采样的群盲多用户检测技术

    A group-blind multiuser detection technique based on Gibbs sampler

  19. MMSE多用户检测技术研究与分析

    Study and analysis of MMSE Multi-user Detection technology

  20. 多用户检测技术将GPS信号中的窄带数字干扰作为多用户信号进行检测,从而在多个干扰源中提取出GPS卫星信号。

    The multi-user detection technology makes the narrowband interference as multi-user signal to be detected , hence , GPS signal can be obtained from many interference sources .

  21. 因此,多用户检测技术作为一种智能化的接收手段被用在CDMA系统中,成为一种关键信号处理技术。

    So the multiple user detection ( MUD ) as an intelligent method becomes one of the key techniques in CDMA system .

  22. DS-CDMA系统中的神经网络多用户检测技术

    Multi - users Detection Based on Neural Networks in the DS - CDMA System

  23. 多用户检测技术(MUD:MultipleUserDetection)作为第三代移动通信的关键技术之一,在近些年来的大量研究基础上取得了很大的进步。

    These years , be considered as one of the key techniques for the 3rd Generation ( 3G ) mobile communication system , Multiple User Detection ( MUD ) for CDMA system made its obvious progress .

  24. 多用户检测技术在DS-CDMA系统中的应用

    Application of Multi-User Detection Technology in DS-CDMA

  25. DS-CDMA系统多用户检测技术研究

    Study on Multi-user Detection of DS-CDMA System

  26. 论文首先从CDMA通信系统出发,研究了CDMA通信中的传统检测方法和多用户检测技术,并对现有的多用户检测方法进行了分析、归纳。

    The paper studies the traditional detection method and multi-user detection method in CDMA communication . Meanwhile the existing multi-user method is analyzed and concluded .

  27. 本文还结合了串行干扰消除多用户检测技术(SIC,SuccessiveInterferenceCancellation),采取基于距离排序的策略不仅降低了对本小区其他用户的干扰,还有效的减少了对邻小区的干扰。

    With successive interference cancellation based on an order of distance , we can reduce more interference not only in its own cell but also other cells .

  28. MC-CDMA上行链路盲多用户检测技术研究

    Blind Multi-uer Detection on MC-CDMA Uplink

  29. 经典的多用户检测技术,其求解最优解的时间复杂度为O(2n),这是一个NP难解问题。

    The time ′ s complexity to find an optimal solution is O ( 2 ~ n ) in classic multi-user detection .

  30. 在算法性能与复杂度之间折中考虑,并行干扰消除(PIC)可认为是CDMA系统中最具有实用意义的一种多用户检测技术。

    Due to comprise of performance and complex , parallel interference canceller ( PIC ) is one of the most feasible multi-user detection technologies in CDMA system .