
  • 网络Toronto Metro;Toronto subway and RT
  1. 当然,这还可以和多伦多已有的地铁传说联系起来,尤其是有传言道,多伦多建于莫洛克族居住过的外星古城之上,所以任何稀奇古怪的事到了多伦多也就显得比较正常了。

    Of course , it could also be linked to stories of Toronto being built over an ancient alien city inhabited by grey-furred Morlocks .

  2. 上周六受到长时间的等待出租车,司机必须证明其在前线圣W。警察检查站身份证照片,去皇家约克酒店,多伦多电视塔和地铁会展中心。

    O.on Saturday were subject to lengthy waits for taxis , whose drivers had to show photo ID at police checkpoints on Front St.W. , to get to the Royal York Hotel , CN Tower and Metro Convention Centre .