
  • 网络Mexico City Metro;Metro of Mexico City;Mexico City Subway
  1. 2008年至2012年期间,在墨西哥城地铁里一处延伸工程的施工过程中,工人挖掘出了一些人类头骨,其历史可追溯至墨西哥阿兹特克帝国时期(Aztecimperialperiod)。

    Between 2008 and 2012 , workers on a subway extension track of El Metro in Mexico City uncovered a number of human skulls dating from the Aztec imperial period .

  2. 墨西哥城地铁最近让乘客们非常震惊,原因是车厢多出了一个被认为是“性别歧视”的男性专座,座位是一个塑料制成的男性躯干--上面还有一个男性生殖器。

    The Mexico City Metro is startling riders with what is being called a ' sexist , ' men 's only subway seat that features a molded plastic nude male torso - complete with a flaccid penis .

  3. 12岁那年,有一天她在墨西哥城的一个地铁站等朋友时被一个人贩子盯上了,这名男子温柔的话语和开的豪车引诱了卡拉。

    At the age of 12 , a sex trafficker targeted her while she was waiting for friends near a subway station in Mexico City and lured her away by using kind words and a fast car .