
  • 网络Multiple Access
  1. 选择适当的多址技术实现高容量、多用户无线接入,是UWB技术应用于无线短距离传输领域成功与否的关键技术之一。

    Choosing a suitable multiple access method is one of the keys to implement higher capacity transmission and apply UWB to short range wireless data applications .

  2. 一种基于MB-OFDM的超宽带多址技术

    An Ultra-Wideband Multiple Access Technology Based on MB-OFDM

  3. 双载波多路(PairedCarrierMultipleAccess,简称PCMA)是一种新兴的卫星通信多址技术。

    PCMA ( Paired Carrier Multiple Access ) is a new way of multiple access in satellite communication .

  4. 分别在四种线性调频技术的调制、解调方案基础上应用时间交叠多址技术进行了MATLAB仿真,并对仿真结果进行分析。

    Then MATLAB simulation with Time Overlap Multiple Access technique are made , based on four kinds of modulation and demodulation schemes of chirp signal .

  5. 宽带无线接入和宽带移动通信的基本传输和多址技术都是基于OFDM技术的。

    The basic transmission and multiple access techniques of broadband wireless access and broadband mobile communications are both based on OFDM technology .

  6. CDMA蜂窝移动通信系统是一种采用多址技术的通信系统,即采用不同的地址码来区分用户、基站和信道。

    CDMA mobile communication system adopts multiple access techniques which means different address codes are used to distinguish users , base stations and channels .

  7. OFDM(正交频分复用)和多址技术的结合能够允许多个用户同时共享有限的无线频谱,从而获得较高的系统容量。

    OFDM ( Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing ) combined with multiple access technique can promise several users to share the limited radio spectrum simultaneously and gain the more system capacity .

  8. 面向IMT-Advanced的多址技术的分析和展望

    Vision of Multiple Access Technologies for IMT-Advanced

  9. 直到1993年,美国学者R.A.Scholtz发表论文论证了采用冲激脉冲进行跳时调制的多址技术,使UWB技术的发展重新繁荣。

    Until 1993 , the American scholar R. A. Scholtz published a famous paper in Milcom '93 proposed the multiple access technology using the impulse radio to implement the Time-Hopping modulation .

  10. 实践证明,正交频分复用(OFDM)技术与多址技术的综合形成的OFDMA技术,可以有效提高系统整体性能,被普遍认为是第四代移动通信系统的核心解决方案。

    OFDMA , which combines Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing ( OFDM ) with multiple acess , is the core technique of the fouth generation communication system . It can improve the whole system very much .

  11. 第三章对LTE-A中继系统中的关键技术进行了介绍,包括多址技术、链路自适应技术、无线资源划分技术和接入切换技术,其中重点研究了无线资源划分技术。

    In the third chapter , we researched on the key techniques in LTE-A relay system , including multiple-access technique , link-adaptive technique , and resource-allocation technique .

  12. 其上行链路多址技术是基于具有较低峰均比的单载波频分多址接入(SC-FDMA)技术。

    LTE-Advanced system uplink multiple-access technology is SC-FDMA ( Signal Carrier-Frequency Division Multiple Access ) technology which is based on lower PAPR ( Peak to Average Power Ratio ) .

  13. 该协议综合了传统的时分复用(TDM)和查询(Polling)两种多址技术的特点,在缩短系统工作期和采集站能源消耗时间,以及简化通信控制设备方面,发挥出突出的优越性。

    This proto - col , which integrates the features of conventional TDM with those of polling techni - ques , has the adventages of making the system operating cycle and energy consuming time in substations shorter , and the communication controllers simpler .

  14. 介绍了4G的多址技术候选&MC-CDMA的下行链路以及接收端不同的频域分集合并判决检测方案,通过仿真比较了不同方案的性能,指出MMSE是MC-CDMA下行链路的最优频域分集合并方案。

    A potential future 4G air interface scheme - MC-CDMA and its downlink transceiver is presented . At the receiver end , performances of different combining schemes are presented and compared through simulation , and MMSE is shown to be best diversity combining scheme .

  15. 以前对基于OFDMA多址技术的无线网络资源分配的研究,通常只是考虑单小区、单跳下行或单跳上行的场景,所提出的算法不能直接应用到无线多跳蜂窝网场景之中。

    Previous research on resource allocation for OFDMA-based wireless networks normally only considers scenario where there is only one cell with single-hop downlink or uplink between base station and mobile station , so those proposed resource allocation algorithms cannot be directly applied to wireless multi-hop cellular networks .

  16. 个人通信中的位置信息与多址技术研究

    Study of Location Information and Multiplex Access Technology for Personal Communication

  17. 空分多址技术中的一些关键技术研究

    A Study on Some Key Technology in Space Division Multiple Access System

  18. 移动通信中的空分多址技术

    Spatial Division Multiple Access Technology in Mobile Communication

  19. 介绍了组建卫星光通信网络的必要性,分析比较了卫星光通信网络中可采用多址技术及其特点。

    The characteristics of different access techniques used in optical network are analyzed and compared .

  20. 基于部分随机波束选择的机会式空分多址技术

    Partial Random Opportunistic SDMA with Beam Selection

  21. 首先,课题分析了成对载波多址技术的工作原理及其应用。

    First , the dissertation analyzed the essential principle and scheme of the PCMA technique .

  22. 空分多址技术在未来的民用或军用移动通信系统中具有很大的应用潜力。

    The SDMA technique has great potential to be applied in the future civilian or military mobile communication system .

  23. 然后,在正文中,将位置信息和多址技术分成两篇进行讨论。

    Then , the location information and multiplex access technology are classified into two parts for researching in the text .

  24. 相对于其它多址技术而言,基于单矢量传感器的多址接入技术具有实现简单的优点。

    As compared with other multi-access technologies , the one based on single acoustic vector sensor could be realized much more easily .

  25. 随着人们对通信需求的不断增长,带来了如何有效地利用频率问题,同时也产生了越来越多的多址技术。

    With the increased need for communications come a need for the efficient use of tile frequency spectrum and the more multiple access technique .

  26. 对于移动无线通信来说,选择适当的调制和多址技术已实现良好的系统性能至关重要。

    Wireless mobile communication , the selection of appropriate modul - ation and multiple access technology has been essential to achieve good system perfor - mance .

  27. 然而,在卫星通信系统、无线分组网络和计算机通信网络飞速发展的今日,随机多址技术也面临着新的挑战和发展。

    However , in the rapid development of Satellite Communication Systems , Wireless Packet Networks and Computer Communication Networks , Random Access techniques are also facing new challenges and developments .

  28. 码分多址技术有着能处理多媒体数据业务的异步特性,提供比传统多址技术更高的系统容量,抵抗信道的频率选择性衰落以及提供方便的多用户接入等优势。

    DS-CDMA technique can implement asynchronous transmission of multimedia data operation , offer more system capacity than traditional Multi-address technique , restrain frequency selection decline in channel and offer Multi-access conveniently .

  29. 本论文主要讨论个人通信系统中的位置信息和多址技术,特别是空分多址技术。

    Thus , the dissertation chiefly deals with the location information and multiplex access technology , especially with the novel SDMA ( space division multiplex access ) technology applied to the rural .

  30. 多址技术乃是移动通信关键技术之一,其核心是建立一种为不同用户分配不同信道的方法,并允许任何用户使用系统中的任一电路,而不会产生相互干扰。

    One of the critical techniques in wireless communication is multiple access which makes a method to distribute different channels to different users and permits any subscriber to use any circuit in the system without interference .