
  • 网络Multimedia print
  1. 多媒体出版物研究

    The Research on Multimedia Publication

  2. 第四章从出版单位的效益出发,讨论了多媒体出版物营销的重要性,并介绍了几种常见的促销方式。

    In Chapter Four , the author discusses the importance of marketing of multimedia publication , introducing us a few commonly used promotion skills .

  3. 本文第一章从多媒体出版物的由来讲起,分析多媒体出版物的起源,探讨多媒体出版物的特征,及多媒体出版物与传统出版物的区别。

    Beginning with the history of multimedia publication , the author makes inquiry into its origin and characters in Chapter One , especially the differences between multimedia publication and traditional publication .

  4. 因此,本文对多媒体出版物进行系统的阐述,探讨了它的类型特征,对其发展现状、存在问题、制作技术方法、出版发行、宣传推广等进行了综合研究。它的类型繁多,形状结构复杂。

    Therefore , the author conducts systematic research on multimedia publications , including classification , character , the methods of designing , publishing and marketing , intellectual property , present state and promotion , etc. They have many different types and complicated structures .

  5. 多媒体电子出版物形式设计研究

    Study on the Style Design of Multimedia Electronic Publication

  6. 多媒体电子出版物及其编辑与创作研究

    Studies of Multimedia Electronic Publications and Their Development

  7. 多媒体电子出版物的开发研制

    The Development of Multimedia Electronic Publication

  8. 本文简述了电子出版物和多媒体电子出版物的概念及特点。

    A brief review dealing with the concept and characteristics of electronic publications and multimedia electronic publications is given in the beginning of the paper .

  9. 本文从教育与训练、情报检索&多媒体电子出版物、信息管理网络与办公自动化等方面,论述了多媒体作为信息表现的一种形式在图书馆的应用功能。

    The application of multimedia as a form of information media in , education , training , and information retrieval in libraries is discussed in this paper .

  10. 论文进一步阐述了多媒体电子出版物设计的意义与目的及任务与要求,比较了多媒体电子出版物设计与其它相关设计的异同,分析了我国多媒体电子出版物设计的现状,强调了设计意识的运用。

    The thesis expatiates on the target of the style design of multimedia electronic publication , differentiates it from other design , analyzes present situation of multimedia electronic publishing in our country , emphasis the design consciousness .