
  • 网络animator;animation designer;Motion Designer;FLASH DESIGNER
  1. 目前她有一个包括12名全职员工和自由职业者的团队,包括设计师、动画设计师和程序员。

    Now she has a team of 12 full-time and freelance workers , including designers , animators and developers .

  2. 我们的模型师随后就会着手于具有完整细节的模型,而我们的动画设计师们则继续工作来提高它们的生气。

    Our modelers will then start in on the full-res models , and our animators continue to work on refining the animation .

  3. 实习机会也是供各方竞购的,学生可以承担包括动画设计师、化妆师、会计和机械技师在内的不同角色。

    Internship opportunities are up for grabs , where students take on different roles including animation designers , makeup artists , accountants and mechanical technicians .

  4. 在洛杉矶工作的动画设计师、同时也是插画家的安德鲁·塔鲁瑟夫作了这一系列画作,描绘了兔八哥还有罗拉兔77岁的样子,还有汤姆和杰瑞75岁的样子。

    Los Angeles-based animator and illustrator Andrew Tarusov has come up with the series of drawings depicting the likes of Bugs and Lola Bunny at 77 and Tom and Jerry at 66 .

  5. 胖胖的脸蛋,大大的双眼闪闪发亮,身有条纹,还有那毛茸茸的尾巴,这样的形象让它们得以成为动画设计师们的宠儿,在好莱坞拍摄的电影中扮演角色。

    Their pudgy cheeks , large , glossy eyes , stripes , and bushy tails have made them a favorite among animators , and landed them a series of starring roles in Hollywood .

  6. 上海——在这座快速发展的城市,一间安静的工作室里窝着一群年轻的动画设计师、插画师和电脑程序员。他们正在让一座中国古镇在数字世界里重现。

    SHANGHAI - Tucked away in a quiet design studio in this fast-growing city , a team of young animators , illustrators and computer programmers is bringing an ancient Chinese village to digital life .

  7. 上海&在这座快速发展的城市,一间安静的工作室里窝着一群年轻的动画设计师、插画师和电脑程序员。他们正在让一座中国古镇在数字世界里重现。

    SHANGHAI &   Tucked away in a quiet design studio in this fast-growing city , a team of young animators , illustrators and computer programmers is bringing an ancient Chinese village to digital life .

  8. 取得成功后,华特开始走下坡路。他制作了一系列失败的长片作品(我们现称之为“经典”),此外,他还得研究对一些动画设计师进行管理——他们要求成立工会,否则就罢工。

    Walt proceeded to drive all that success straight into the ground , releasing a string of feature-length failures ( we now call them " classics " ) and then fumbling management of his striking animators who wanted Disney to unionize .

  9. 星期二海绵宝宝的创作者斯蒂芬·海伦伯格去世的消息被宣布之后,社交媒体上有人号召大家分享自己最喜欢的海绵宝宝表情包以此向这位漫画家兼动画设计师致敬。据报道,去年海伦伯格被诊断患上渐冻症(肌萎缩性侧索硬化症)。

    After the death of SpongeBob creator Stephen Hillenburg was announced on Tuesday , some on social media urged others to share their favourite SpongeBob memes as a tribute to the cartoonist and animator , who announced last year he had been diagnosed with ALS .

  10. 传统艺术家在绘画中对光影的运用,平面、动画等设计师对光影极尽其能的表现都取得不同凡响视觉效果,这应该引起展示设计师对光影独特表现力的倍加关注。

    Traditional artists and display designers made best of the light & shadow , achieving an extraordinary visual effects , which should arise exhibition designers pay more attention to its unique expressive power .