
  1. 加强限制级和禁止级动漫产品管理。

    Strengthen the restricted and prohibited class animation product management .

  2. 山东济南在校学生动漫产品消费行为分析与研究

    The Animation Products ' Consumer Behavioral Analysis and Research of Students in Jinan Shandong Province

  3. 动漫产品具有巨大的市场空间,动漫形象授权的衍生产品市场空间更大。

    Animation products have great market space , cartoon image of the authorized derivatives market more space .

  4. 在全文最后两部分,重点结合产品开发过程得出我国动漫产品开发中存在的问题并且解决问题。

    At last , according to the product development process and find the problem and solve the problem .

  5. 而末端,指的则是动漫产品制作完成之后的市场营销及衍生品推广。

    And at the end , referring to the finished product is the animation after the derivatives marketing and promotion .

  6. 基于产品分层理论的国产动漫产品优化策略研究

    Research on the Strategy to Optimize the Local Comics Products & Based on the Theory of Five Level of Products

  7. 其中,原创电视动画片《独脚乐园》被认定为国家“重点动漫产品”;

    Among them , the original TV cartoon " one-man 's Paradise " was recognized as national " focus animation products ";

  8. 目前,我国动漫产品已包含了网络、手机及其他移动终端的新媒体形式。

    At present , China 's animation products include Internet , mobile phones and other mobile terminals of the new media forms .

  9. 并且有专家说,可爱的造型、幽默好玩的故事则是动漫产品成功的先决条件。

    And some experts say , lovely shape , humor and fun story is a prerequisite for the success of animation products .

  10. 租售限制级、禁止级动漫产品者,应以设置专区、专柜或加封套方式陈列;

    Rental restricted , prohibited class animation products , should be to set the area , plus the envelope way counter or display ;

  11. 动漫产品”和“重点动漫企业”的必须通过“动漫企业”认定。

    Article XI applying for " focus animation products ," and " key animation enterprises " must pass " the animation business " found .

  12. 但就目前发展状况而言,中国的动漫产品依然和美国、日本、韩国等发达国家存在一定的差异,在国际市场的产品占有量和知名度有待进一步提高。

    But speaking of the present development situation , China animation products , South Korea and Japan still exist certain differences , products in the international market share and visibility remains to be further improved .

  13. 重点调查济南市青少年对动漫产品的消费情况,了解他们的消费选择和偏好,以及对国产动漫的认知度和看法等等。

    The consumer circumstances of animation products of Jinan teenagers were emphasis survey . By this way , we could find out their consumer choice and predilection , acknowledge and view to our national animation and so on .

  14. 动漫产品和动漫形象品牌都是以动漫形象为基础的,通过对动漫形象的传播,得到消费者的认同和欣赏,才能产生动漫形象品牌。

    Animation cartoon products and cartoon image of the brand are all based on the cartoon image , cartoon image on the spread of consumers get the recognition and appreciation in order to produce animation image of the brand .

  15. 动漫周边产品的兴旺前景催生了大量动漫创业店。

    Prospects for animation products spawned a thriving animation business shop .

  16. 琳琅满目的动漫衍生产品销售,让观众流连忘返,造成拥堵。

    Assortment of cartoon derivative product sales , audience linger , causing congestion .

  17. 动漫衍生产品的开发,为中南卡通带来了更为丰厚的利润。

    The development of cartoon derivative products , for the cartoon South Africa brought more profits .

  18. 出口动漫游戏产品,通过国际化的市场运作来分摊成本收回投资实现盈利。

    Export animation games , through international market to spread the cost recovery of investment profits .

  19. 第三部分是动漫衍生产品设计独特性的分析与研究。

    The third part focuses on analysis and study of the uniqueness of animationderivatives ' design .

  20. 这是对动漫衍生产品造型的设计研究的新的探索与尝试。

    Such is a new way of exploration and attempt for the research on product design of animation derivative .

  21. 最后,作者创造出卡通形象并以此为创作元素设计了一系列成人化动漫衍生产品。

    Finally , the authors create a cartoon image and as a creative elements to design a series of adult animation derivative products .

  22. 而动漫玩具产品作为动漫产业链中的一个非常重要的环节,越来越多的引起了大家的关注。

    And animation toys , as a critical part in the chain of animation industry , have drawn more and more attention from merchants .

  23. 动漫玩具产品完全可以搭乘这趟便利快车,利用当前的一系列优惠政策,加快发展起来。

    Therefore , animation industry can make full use of this opportunity and take advantage of a series of preferential policies at present to accelerate its development .

  24. 一期工程,在科技市场南侧沿西六路建设,建成山东齐赛创意动漫产业产品集散地。

    A project in the technology market , six-way west along the south side of building , built in the animation industry in Shandong Qi race creative products distribution center .

  25. 希望安徽坚持这一特色,为动漫原创产品的版权交易及上下游产业的融合发展搭建平台。

    Want to adhere to the characteristics of Anhui , the copyright for the original animation products , trading and integration of upstream and downstream industries , the development of a platform .

  26. 与此同时,国外动漫衍生产品以绝对的优势抢占国内市场,国内动漫衍生品创新与技术的不足成为动漫产业发展滞后的一大问题。

    At that time , The foreign cartoon derivatives with absolute advantage preemptive domestic market , but the cartoon industry development lagging behind at home due to the shortage at innovation and technology .

  27. 本文试图从产品设计的角度出发,以产品的本能层、行为层、反思层分析为主线,提出了动漫衍生产品设计的新规则。

    This paper attempts to design point of view , the instinct of the product layer , action layer , reflective layer of the main line , product design , animation derivative proposed new rules .

  28. 放眼国产动画,虽然产量逐年增加,但大多数作品尚处于模仿甚或是抄袭的阶段,在动漫衍生产品的设计开发上面更是停滞不前。

    In the domestic animation , although production has increased year by year , but most of the work is still in the " copy " or " copy " stage , in the design and development of the above animation derivative products is stopped .

  29. 本文通过对动漫衍生产品设计的背景和现状的分析,从产品设计的角度阐述动漫衍生产品该如何创新,并对成功案例进行剖析以作参考。

    In this paper , the background and situation of cartoon derivatives design were analyzed and how innovation on cartoon derivatives were expounded from the standpoints of product design and development Furthermore , few successful cases were mentioned and analyzed in our article to used as a reference .

  30. 本文拟开发具有自主产权的三维计算机辅助制作软件,以支持动漫制作及产品创新设计。

    This paper intends to develop our own proprietary three-dimensional computer-aided production software to support the design of animation production and product innovation .