
  1. 东亚区域生产网络不仅重塑了东亚经济体之间的分工结构,而且促使区域内各经济体共享国际生产链分工的发展机遇。

    Regional production networks in East Asian not only reshapes the division structure of labor , but also impel the economies of the region share development opportunities brought by the division of international production chain .

  2. 在国际生产链中,中国、东亚和美国扮演着不同的分工角色,各自发挥比较优势进行生产和贸易,这种分工模式使得东亚对美的贸易转移到中国,加剧了中美贸易的失衡。

    In the international production chain , China , East Asia and the United States plays a different role of the division of labor , each of them use their comparative advantages to product and trade .

  3. 微观层面表现为跨国公司将国际贸易和国际直接投资结合在一起纳入其国际化战略中,使国际贸易与国际直接投资围绕其国际生产的价值链表现出相互依存、共生发展的一体化现象。

    While on the microeconomic level , the integration of international trade and FDI is that multinational corporations integrate international trade and FDI into their global strategies , and which make international trade and FDI become interdependent and symbiotic around their value chain of international production .