
  • 网络International Day of Peace;International Peace Day
  1. 秘书长国际和平日致辞2013年9月21日

    Secretary-Generals Message on International Day of Peace 21 September 2013

  2. 秘书长国际和平日100天倒计时致辞

    Secretary-Generals Message on the 100-Day Countdown to the International Day of Peace

  3. 今天是国际和平日,联合国呼吁在世界范围内全面停止敌对行动。

    On the International Day of Peace , the United Nations calls for a complete cessation of hostilities around the world .

  4. 值此国际和平日之际,我呼吁全世界战斗人员寻求和平解决冲突的办法。

    On the International Day of Peace , I call on combatants around the world to find peaceful solutions to their conflicts .

  5. 值此国际和平日,让我们立誓向儿童教授宽容和相互尊重的价值。

    On this International Day of Peace , let us pledge to teach our children the value of tolerance and mutual respect .

  6. 正因为如此,每年的国际和平日,我都要在联合国总部敲响和平钟。

    That is why , each year on the International Day of Peace , I ring the Peace Bell at United Nations headquarters .

  7. 联合国大会于1981年通过决议,将每年9月的第三个星期二联大开幕的日子定为“国际和平日”。

    The International Day of Peace was established in1981 by a resolution of the General Assembly to coincide with its opening session every September .

  8. 今年的国际和平日恰逢我为推动逐步实现八个千年发展目标而举行首脑会议之时。

    This year , the International Day of Peace coincides with the Summit I am convening to boost progress towards the eight Millennium Development Goals .

  9. 国际和平日是我们凝神反思的时刻,也是我们重申对非暴力的信念和呼吁全球停火的日子。

    The International Day of Peace is a time for reflection a day when we reiterate our belief in non-violence and call for a global ceasefire .

  10. 国际和平日100天倒计时在今天开始,联合国借此呼吁各国、各族裔及每个人摒弃冲突,促进和谐。

    Today marks the 100-day countdown to the International Day of Peace , when the United Nations calls on nations , communities and individuals to renounce conflict and promote harmony .

  11. 在我们庆祝国际和平日的今天,联合国正奋战在各条战线,培育、维护和捍卫世界和平。

    Today 's observance of the International Day of Peace comes at a moment when the United Nations is deeply engaged on numerous fronts to nurture , maintain and defend peace around the world .

  12. 我们在每年的9月21日开展活动纪念国际和平日,使全世界都有机会放下手头的事务进行反省,并考虑如何才能打破冲突所造成的恶性暴力循环。

    The International Day of Peace , marked on 21 September each year , offers an opportunity for the world to pause , reflect and consider how best to break the vicious cycle of violence that conflict creates .

  13. 今天,我们进入国际和平日倒计时100天。在国际和平日当天,联合国都会向世界各地的战斗人员发出呼吁,敦促他们放下武器,给和平一个真正的机会。

    Today we begin the 100-day countdown to the observance of the International Day of Peace , when the United Nations calls on all combatants around the world to lay down their arms and to give peace a real chance .

  14. 塔利班、阿富汗军队和国际军队说,他们将从今天(星期天),碰巧也是国际和平日,停止攻击性行动。

    The Taliban , the Afghan army and international military forces say they will halt their offensives Sunday , to coincide with international peace day .