
  • 网络Kieran;Kiran
  1. 有一次斯通来莫斯科时,给斯诺登看了他拍的电影,那时他表示愿意和斯通的联合编剧基兰•菲茨杰拉德(KieranFitzgerald)谈谈如何让影片更贴近现实一点。

    He has seen a version of the Stone movie on one of the director 's trips to Moscow , during which Snowden says he would talk to Stone 's co-writer , Kieran Fitzgerald , about trying to keep the film a little bit closer to being reality .

  2. 基兰:什么?就这么辞职?你不是开玩笑吧?

    Kieran : What ? Just outright quit ? Are you serious ?

  3. 英国心脏基金会医学副主任梅廷•阿夫基兰教授表示,还需要进一步的研究,以“确定阻断这些微小核糖核酸分子的药物是否是避免心碎综合征的关键”。

    Further research is needed , said Prof Metin Avkiran , the associate medical director at the British Heart Foundation , to “ determine if drugs that block these microRNAs could be the key to avoiding broken hearts ” .

  4. 加州帕罗阿尔托的阿基兰特公司已开发出生物芯片,其含有DNA微阵用以研究基因表达方式。

    Agilent , based in Palo Alto , California , has developed biochips that contain DNA microarrays to study gene expression patterns .

  5. 基兰:我只是没法儿再应付这事儿了。

    Kieran : ① I just can 't deal with this anymore .

  6. 基兰:好问题。我得好好思考一下。

    Kieran : Good question . I 'll have to think about it .

  7. 基兰:很多工作都有有创意的职位。

    Kieran : There are lots of jobs that can lead to creative positions .

  8. 基兰:我真不知道还能忍受(这份工作)多长时间!

    Kieran : I don 't know how much more I can take of this !

  9. 西奥沃尔科特和基兰吉布斯进入了英格兰最新的阵容!

    Theo Walcott and Kieran Gibbs have been named in Fabio Capello 's latest England squad .

  10. 基兰:啊,对不起。我简直就是在经历一个痛苦的早晨。

    Kieran : Ah , sorry . I 've been having a hell of a morning .

  11. 基兰:哦,好吧,你真能告诉我你就没有同样的感受吗?

    Kieran : Ohc'mon , can you really tell me that you don 't feel the same ?

  12. 然而,这可不会让女星两岁的儿子基兰.托马斯烦恼。

    Well , that doesn 't seem to faze the actress 's 2-year-old son Kieran Thomas in the least .

  13. 相比起倾听,基兰•卡尼克更习惯说话,在拉贾的绯闻传出后,他做了五个月左右的临时董事长。

    Kiran Karnik-who has the rare habit of listening more than he speaks-was caretaker chairman for about five months after the scandal .

  14. 基兰:我真不知道你是怎么做到的。我确定我在一点点地疯掉。

    Kieran : I just don 't know how you do it . I swear I 'm losing my mind bit by bit .

  15. 电影编剧克拉伦斯·基兰这样描述他的父亲:“他用的不是言传,而是身教。”

    Film writer Clarence Kelland says of his father ," He didn 't tell me how to live , he lived , and let me watch him . "