
  • 网络basal application;Kisch;Kish;Egon Erwin Kisch
  1. 结果表明:(1)基施一定量的氮肥对团棵期和现蕾期烟株的农艺性状有一定的促进作用。

    The results showed that : 1 . Basal application of a certain amount of nitrogen fertilizer was excellent acceleration effect at agronomy characters on the rosette stage and the budding stage .

  2. 试验结果表明,基施磷肥显著改善了紫花苜蓿根瘤的结瘤。施磷后,紫花苜蓿结瘤率明显提高,单株根瘤数和根瘤重均显著增加(p<0.05)。

    The results showed that basic phosphorus fertilizer application increased significantly ( p0.05 ) nodulation rate , root nodule number and weight per plant .

  3. 在本棉区土壤肥力及生产水平下,应重视基施化肥,实施稳N增P增K的平衡施肥策略。

    According to the soil fertility and productivity level in this region , the base fertilizer , N 、 P 、 K should be applied proportionally .

  4. 2013年11月,在中央公园管理委员会(CentralParkConservancy)的一次慈善活动上,金斯伯格对基施鲍默说,她一直很喜欢中央公园长椅上的献词,希望将来有一把椅子是献给自己的。

    In November 2013 , while at a benefit for the Central Park Conservancy , Ms. Ginsburg mentioned to Mr. Kirschbaum that she had always loved the dedications on the benches in Central Park and hoped to have one someday .

  5. 其原因是由于基施Se后对Na+、K+吸收具有明显的促进作用,显著增强杂交酸模从根部至地上部对K+运输的选择性,叶片的Na+/K+比降低;

    This could be attributed to enhanced absorption of Na + and K + , enhanced selective transportation of K + from roots to shoots and a lowered Na + / K + ratio in leaves .

  6. 通过盆栽试验,研究了高分子聚合物包膜复合肥(CCF)一次性基施对鸡冠花生长及肥料氮素利用和淋失的影响。

    Pot experiment was conducted to study the effect of macromolecule polymer coated compound fertilizer with single basal application on the growth of cockscomb flower , nitrogen absorption and leaching .

  7. 在各肥料一次基施的条件下,包膜肥的N素利用率比尿素高出4.5~19.3个百分点,GZCU、FSU之间;

    In condition of all fertilizers were basal applied , N use ratio of CSFs is 4.5 ~ 19.3 percentage points higher than only supplied by urea .

  8. 与施用化肥(化肥处理)相比,稻田基施菜饼+化肥(RC)促进水稻生长季CH4和N2O的排放量,分别增加252%和22%;对后季麦田N2O排放量无影响;

    Compared with the CK treatment , rapeseed cake incorporation before rice transplanting increased CH4 and N_2O emissions by 252 % and 22 % in the rice season , respectively , while it had no obvious effect on N_2O emissions from the following wheat season .

  9. 基施氮肥及播量对小麦产量的影响

    Effect of Base Nitrogen Fertilizer and Seeding Quantity on Wheat Yield

  10. 基施氮肥对土壤剖面中无机氮动态的影响

    Effect of nitrogen application as base fertilizer on inorganic nitrogen in soil profile

  11. 基施钾肥对转基因抗虫棉的影响

    Effect of Base Potash Fertilizer on Transgenic Pest-resistant Cotton

  12. 糯玉米基施硅钾复合肥增产效应研究

    Study on Yield Increasing Effect of Si and K Compound Fertilizer on Waxy Maize

  13. 长效氮肥一次基施在春玉米上的试验效果

    Trial effect of once basal dressing of slow release nitrogen fertilizer on spring corn

  14. 一次基施水稻控释肥技术的养分利用率及增产效果

    Nutrient use efficiency and yield-increasing effect of single basal application of rice-specific controlled release fertilizer

  15. 小麦间作菠菜的边际效应与基施氮肥利用率

    The border effect and utilization rate of N fertilizer as base under wheat intercropped with spinach

  16. 基施高量锌肥,利于水稻穗部对锌的富集。

    Application of high-quantity Zn fertilizer in base fertilizer was beneficial to the zinc enrichment in panicle .

  17. 本文研究了基施硅营养对小麦分蘖期的生长状况、叶片类脂脂肪酸组成及抗氧化酶系统的影响。

    The effects of silicon on the growth of wheat and its antioxidative enzymatic system were investigated .

  18. 研究了保水剂拌种和基施对小麦生长的影响。

    The effects of seed dressing and base fertilizer with water-retaining agent on wheat growth were studied .

  19. 硒肥基施对胡萝卜产量及品质的效应研究

    Study on the Effect of Applying Selenium Fertilizer as Base Fertilizer on the Yield and Quality of Carrot

  20. 长效氮肥一次基施对覆膜冬小麦的肥效研究

    Effects of long-lasting nitrogen fertilizers on plastic mulched winter wheat as applied by basal dressing all in one time

  21. 化肥基施对转基因抗虫棉营养器官发育、干物质积累和产量的影响

    Effect of NPK basal dressing on vegetative organ development , dry matter accumulation and yield of transgenic pest-resistant cotton

  22. 基施1200kg/667m2有机肥,增产效果显著,值得推广。

    Basal applied organic fertilizer 1 200 kg / 667 m2 , increase production was remarkably , it was worth popularizing .

  23. 平均各处理,追施氮的利用率和土壤残留率显著高于基施氮,损失率则相反。

    On average , the recovery and residual of topdressing nitrogen was higher significantly than basal nitrogen , but loss was opposite .

  24. 果园施肥管理应氮肥基施为主,追施磷、钾肥,中期补充微肥。

    N fertilizer should apply as basal fertilizer , P and K fertilizer as topdressing , and trace fertilizer applied at middle stage .

  25. 施用方法以基施为宜,集中条施或穴施效果较好。

    Drilling base fertilizer had no optimal effect on tobacco quality . It is appropriate to apply base fertilizer with methods of drill applying and hole applying .

  26. 当氮肥分别在基施、拔节期与大喇叭口期1:3:1施用时,玉米抗衰老能力最强。

    When the nitrogen applied at the base , the jointing stage and the large bell of 1:3:1 fertilizer , the corn anti-aging was strongest . 2 .

  27. 结果表明,包膜尿素在基施情况下,田面水总氮浓度始终接近对照水平,通过径流损失的可能性很小。

    Under base employ of the coated urea , the total N concentration of farm surface water was near the contract level , and the possibility via runoff was very little .

  28. 在温室条件下,用盆栽试验方法研究了基施鸡粪和追施化肥对分枝期以前木立芦荟生长的影响。

    In greenhouse , pot experiment was conducted to study the effects of basal dressing of chicken manure and dressing chemical fertilizers on growth of Cande Labra Aloe before its branching period .

  29. 45000kg/hm2农家肥和磷肥一次性基施,氮肥的2/3作种肥,1/3作追肥施用方式较为经济合理;

    Applying 45 000 kg / hm2 farm manure with phosphorus as base fertilizer , two thirds nitrogen as seed manure and one third nitrogen as topdressing is more economic and rational ;

  30. 结果表明,苗期一次性基施该肥料,可以满足鸡冠花整个生育期对养分的需要;

    The results showed that using macromolecule polymer coated compound fertilizer ( CCF ) by single basal application at seeding period could meet the nutrient need of cockscomb flower in its various growth periods .