
suān xìnɡ féi liào
  • acidic fertilizer
  1. 为此类土壤添加酸性肥料将证明是大有好处的。

    The addition of acid fertilizers to this soil would provide to be very beneficial .

  2. 通过一些土壤改良措施如螯合剂、酸性肥料等的施用增加重金属的有效性,从而提高植物对重金属的提取效率。

    Bioavailability of heavy-metals can be increased by soil amendments , such as chelating agents or acid fertilizers .

  3. 又由于酸性化学肥料的大量施入,土壤pH值由8.3下降为5.3.果园的营建,明显改善了土壤的肥力状况及其保水保肥性能,提高了沙滩地的利用价值及生态经济效益。

    Meanwhile the PH was decreased from 8 . 3 to 5 . 3 . Afforestation and planting fruit trees at the coastal sandy land largely improved the soil fertility status and water-holding capacity as well as utilization value of sandy land .

  4. 碱渣和菇渣在调节土壤酸性、改善土壤肥料方面表现出很好的互补性。

    It could be concluded that the waste of soda manufactory and the spent mushroom compost have demonstrated a good complementarity in regulating the soil acidity and improving fertilizer in soil .