
  • 网络Basic life support;bls;basic life support, BLS;basic life support,BLS
  1. 胸外按压是心肺复苏治疗的重要内容,是基础生命支持(BasicLifeSupport,BLS)的关键和中心环节,在很多情况下,甚至是唯一技术手段。

    And chest compression as a significant part of the CPR is the key and central step of the basic life support ( BLS ), and even in many cases , the only technical mean .

  2. 对劳务工院前基础生命支持培训的研究

    Study on training basic life support in labor-workers

  3. 对近年有关成人心肺复苏术中基础生命支持、高级生命支持、持续生命支持的进展及其护理进行综述。

    It summarized the progress and nursing care of basic life support , superior life support and continuous life support in adult cardiopulmonary resuscitation in recent years .