
jí jiù rén yuán
  • first-aid personnel
  1. 急救人员担心燃烧着的船只可能会脱链滑走。

    Emergency workers fear that the burning ship could slip its moorings .

  2. 一旦消防队员和急救人员到达后,拉里和另一个人立马退后,把工作交给他们去做。

    Once fire and emergency people arrive , Larry and the other man backed off and let them go to work .

  3. 他们叫她在急救人员赶到前别动,但她觉得车就要爆炸了。

    They told her to stay still until the emergency personnel arrived , still she thought the car was going to explode .

  4. 那个急救人员hannah呢?

    How 's that paramedic Hannah doing ?

  5. 特种作战部队的急救人员马上就到

    SOCOM Medics on standby . They 're already inbound .

  6. 救护车和急救人员面对的困境是通讯不方便。

    The dilemmafac-ing ambulance and emergency personnel is poor communication .

  7. 把邓肯送进医院的急救人员接受埃博拉病毒检测的结果呈阴性。

    Ambulance workers who brought Duncan to the hospital have tested negative .

  8. 急救人员竭尽所能保障人民的安全。

    Emergency workers were doing all they could to keep people safe .

  9. 随后急救人员宣布了二人当场死亡。

    Emergency personnel pronounced both individuals dead at the scene .

  10. 我们需要消防员和急救人员。

    We 're gonna need paramedics and fire trucks .

  11. 你们办事处有多少急救人员?

    How many first-aiders are there in your office ?

  12. 救火队员和急救人员正试图救援机上人员。

    Firefighters and other emergency personnel are attempting to rescue those on board .

  13. 本周末凤凰城的恶劣天气使急救人员四处奔波。

    Severe weather has emergency crews in Phoenix on the run this weekend .

  14. 急救人员救出了一些乘客,而至少一名乘客是自己游回岸上的。

    Emergency team rescued some passengers at least one just swam ashore herself .

  15. 急救人员说我晕过去了。

    The paramedics told me I blacked out .

  16. 快派急救人员到这里来。

    Get me an EMT down here now .

  17. 医院急救人员必须意志坚强。

    Hospital casualty personnel must have strong stomachs .

  18. 这个老人陷入无意识,然后急救人员使他恢复意识。

    The old man fell unconscious , and a paramedic brought him to life .

  19. 急救人员没有碰过玻璃。

    No , rescue never touched the glass .

  20. 急救人员发现他昏迷,大量出血。

    Paramedics found him unconscious and bleeding .

  21. 现在这里需要急救人员

    I need paramedics in here now !

  22. 马克:有这么多急救人员随时准备提供帮助,真是太好了。

    Mark : It 's good to have so many emergency workers ready to help .

  23. 一名急救人员遇难。

    One emergency worker has been killed .

  24. 加拿大艾伯塔省发生危险的火车脱轨事故并引起大火,目前急救人员正在现场处理事故。

    Emergency crews in Alberta , Canada are containing a dangerous train derailment and fire .

  25. 300多名消防员和急救人员正在努力控制火势。

    More than 300 firefighters and emergency personnel are working to get it under control .

  26. 急救人员通过电话给麦当劳的员工们急救指示。

    Emergency staff gave instructions over the phone to some of the McDonald 's staff members .

  27. 并为机长准备急救人员。

    And EMTs for the pilot .

  28. 不少救护车门被拉开,急救人员用担架推出一些伤员。

    Several ambulances pull up to the door and EMTs wheel in several people on stretchers .

  29. 受灾现场约有1700名急救人员进行救援工作并道路维修。

    Around 1700 emergency staff are working on the sites to rescue people and repair the roads .

  30. 在急救人员中,医生和护士,卡车司机和杂货店工人,保管人和科学家,

    Among first responders , doctors and nurses , truckers and grocery workers , custodians and scientists ,