
  • 网络EMS;emergency medical service
  1. 消防人员似乎对此无动于衷,而且全然没有执行他们紧急医疗服务的职责。

    Firefighters appeared not to care and were not performing their EMS duties at all .

  2. 1991年,奥兰治县紧急医疗服务队和医院一起开发了一套适合医院实际情况的ICS系统,这套系统最终被命名为医院事故指挥系统(HICS)。

    In 1991 , the orange county emergency medical services and hospital worked together to develop a hospital adaptation of ICs ultimately named hics ( hospital incident command system ) .

  3. 整个公营服务当中有十四间是主要医院,提供紧急医疗服务,三间精神科医院。

    Of these , there are14 major hospitals which provide emergency services , and3 psychiatric hospitals .

  4. 这些车辆还将提供食品、药物等物资的运送,并提供针对非发热疾病的紧急医疗服务。

    They will offer services such as food and medicine delivery as well as emergency medical treatment for non-febrile diseases .

  5. 急救管理和施工现场雇员紧急医疗服务的计划及程序,包括疏散计划和住院安排。

    Plans and procedures for administering first aid and emergency medical service at the construction site of employees including evacuation plan and hospitalization arrangements .

  6. 雷•理查兹,是一个商店老板,而且还是国家紧急医疗服务部的成员,他在河岸上反复思考如何解救罗杰斯。

    ON THE RIVER BANK , Ray Richards , a store owner and member of the State Emergency Service , was pondering how to rescue Rogers .

  7. 在他服务于救护队期间,威廉王子一直驻扎在剑桥机场。他们的团队里有专业医师、急救护理人员以及飞行员,并为贝德福德郡、剑桥郡、诺福克郡和萨福克郡提供紧急医疗服务。

    Throughout his service William has been based out of Cambridge Airport , as part of a team including specialist doctors , critical care paramedics and pilots providing emergency medical services across Bedfordshire , Cambridgeshire , Norfolk and Suffolk .