
jǐn zhuī bù shě
  • 熟语chase closely without giving up
紧追不舍 [jǐn zhuī bù shě]
  • [stick with] 使差距接近,势均力敌

  • 比他的对手要强一些,但是他的对手紧追不舍,并且打成了平局

  1. 他逃离了运动场,警察在后面紧追不舍。

    He fled from the stadium with the police at his heels .

  2. 我纵马而去,罗西紧追不舍。

    I galloped off on my horse with Rosie in hot pursuit .

  3. 恰在此时门开了,那只猫窜了出来,狗在后面紧追不舍。

    Just then the door opened and the cat whipped out , with the dog chasing it .

  4. 恶蛟上下翻腾,直下几十里,周处紧追不舍。

    The evil dragon turned up and down , and went down for tens of li with Zhou Chu chasing closely after it .

  5. 他在后面紧追不舍,总想打到我。

    He took off after me , vainly trying to land a blow .

  6. 他拼命地逃,后面两个警察紧追不舍。

    He kept running desperately chased by two police .

  7. 他沿街飞奔而去,两名警察在后面紧追不舍。

    He raced off down the street , hotly pursued by two policemen .

  8. 那些强盗驾车快速逃跑,一辆警车紧追不舍。

    The robbers drove off at high speed and a police car gave chase .

  9. 狼跑开了,巴克紧追不舍。

    The wolf ran , and Buck followed .

  10. 接着他开始奔跑,好像有什么东西在后面紧追不舍一般。

    Then he began to run , to run as if something were chasing him .

  11. 虽然敌人紧追不舍,游击队员们还是设法跑掉了。

    The partisans managed to get away , although the enemy was hot on their tracks .

  12. 如果你还紧追不舍,那就不是在恭维她,而是在跟踪她。

    If you start following her , you aren 't complimenting her , you are stalking her .

  13. 那个贼顺着马路逃跑,我就拼命紧追不舍。

    The thief ran off down the road , so I chased him for all I was worth .

  14. 他拼命往山下跑,骷髅在后面紧追不舍。

    He ran down the hill as fast as he could go , the skeleton in hot pursuit .

  15. 该书围绕联邦调查局的一名探员对诺拉·辛克莱这个女连环杀手紧追不舍的故事展开。

    The story revolves around an FBI agent 's obsessive pursuit of a female serial killer , Nora Sinclair .

  16. 狐狸因为叼着母鸡,跑不快,猎狗在后面紧追不舍。

    The hunting dog chased the fox who could not run fast enough because of the hen held between his jaws .

  17. 一只大猫跃上废弃机器和木筐堆成的小丘,速度快得惊人,紧追不舍。

    One was already leaping up a small hill of discarded equipment and stacked crates with astonishing speed , giving chase .

  18. 这个被吓坏了的姑娘跑过庭院,穿过地窖门,李斯特在后面紧追不舍。

    The frightened girl fled across the courtyard , through the cellar door , and down the steps with Liszt in pursuit .

  19. 今年也许是她夺冠的最后机会,因为有许多年轻的女选手对她紧追不舍。

    With so many younger women snapping at her heels , this year may be her last chance to win the championship .

  20. 浅谈交通运输肇事后逃逸的罪责问题那些强盗驾车快速逃跑,一辆警车紧追不舍。

    Brief Comment on Crime of Hit-and-run in Transportations ; The robbers drove off at high speed and a police car gave chase .

  21. 那辆白色的汽车超速行驶,警车闪亮着大光灯紧追不舍。

    The white car was traveling at well over the speed limit and the police car made after it with its lights flashing .

  22. 听见这些话,睡觉的水手醒了。多里安离开房间时,水手在后面紧追不舍。

    The sleeping sailor woke up when he heard these words , and as Dorian left the house , the sailor hurried after him .

  23. 第二日交战,二将齐出,并不答话,拍马交锋五十回合,庞德拨马逃走,关羽紧追不舍。

    The fight continued on the second day without an exchange of words . After another 50rounds , Pang rode his horse to flee and Guan rode after him .

  24. 虽然民意测验显示支持英国继续留在欧盟的票数暂时领先,但是提倡退欧的票数在近几个月来持续增高,紧追不舍。

    Opinion polls show that the campaign to remain within the EU is slightly ahead , but its lead over the " leave " campaign has narrowed in recent months .

  25. 你还可以说“爱情捆住了我的手脚”,或者“爱情缠住了我”&它跟踪着你,紧追不舍,“尾随脚跟”,如同一只狗追着你的脚脖子一样。

    You could also say " Love has me by the heels ", or " treads upon my heels " & it pursues you , follows you close or " snaps at my heels ," as a dog that keeps biting you around the ankles .

  26. 成千上万种零零碎碎的知识就像冰雹一样在我的脑中四处飞溅,当我试图逃离险境时,传说中的妖精和校园水鬼就会紧追不舍,直到我愿意——或者说迁就那些邪恶的意识肆虐横行!——

    A thousand odds and ends of knowledge come crashing about my head like hailstones , and when I try to escape them , theme-goblins and college nixies of all sorts pursue me , until I wish - oh , may I be forgiven the wicked wish ! -