
jǐn jí bì yùn yào
  • emergency contraception;morning-after pill
  1. 三种不同剂量的米非司酮作为紧急避孕药的研究

    A Prospective Randomized Study of Comparing Three Doses of Mifepristone in Emergency Contraception

  2. 选择避孕套作为避孕方法的妇女近期使用避孕套和紧急避孕药情况

    Recent use of condoms and emergency contraception by women who selected condoms as their contraceptive method

  3. 2003年,食品和药物管理局的两个咨询委员会裁定,名为PlanB的紧急避孕药足够安全,可以在柜台出售。

    In 2003 , two FDA advisory committees ruled that the emergency contraceptive pill , known as Plan B , was safe enough to be sold over the counter .

  4. 低剂量米非司酮作为紧急避孕药的临床效果观察

    Clinical effective observation on low Dose Mifepristone as an emergency contraceptive

  5. 研究对象对紧急避孕药正确使用的相关知识了解甚少。

    Migrants have very poor knowledge on emergency contraceptive pill usage .

  6. 而且对于很多女学生来说,买紧急避孕药已经不是什么难事。

    Already , the morning-after pill is available to a million schoolgirls .

  7. 提供紧急避孕药的比例为24.7%。

    Only 24.7 % of them could provide emergency contraceptives .

  8. 向产后妇女事先提供紧急避孕药对意外妊娠率影响的研究

    Effect of Advance Provision of Emergency Contraceptive Pills for Postpartum Women on Unwilling Pregnancy Rate

  9. 目的:探索低剂量米非司酮作为紧急避孕药的临床效果。

    Objective : To study the clinical effectiveness of low dose mifepristone as an emergency contraceptive .

  10. 然而,调查结果同时发现,获取紧急避孕药的便利程度决定了该药服用的及时性。

    However , the findings also show that convenience of access influences whether emergency contraception was used promptly .

  11. 从药房直接获取紧急避孕药对意外妊娠和性传播感染的影响:一项随机对照试验

    Direct access to emergency contraception through pharmacies and effect on unintended pregnancy and STIs : A randomized controlled trial

  12. 英国孕期咨询服务处将鼓励女性在圣诞节期间储备一些紧急避孕药。

    The British Pregnancy Advisory Service ( BPAS ) will encourage women to stock up on the emergency contraceptive over the Christmas period .

  13. 如果女性在性生活后三天之内,服用使用最广泛的紧急避孕药-左炔诺孕酮是唯一有效的。

    Levonorgestrel , the most widely used emergency contraceptive pill , is only effective if women take it within three days of having sex .

  14. 纽约一位联邦法官责令美国食品和药物管理局解除紧急避孕药现行的年龄限制。

    A federal judge in New York is ordering the Food and Drug Administration to remove existing age restrictions on the so-called morning after pill .

  15. 根据一项将于今日公布的计划,英国将首次通过电话免费提供紧急避孕药。

    The morning after pill is to be given out free over the phone for the first time , under a scheme to be announced today .

  16. 结果:1008名调查对象中,85.3%和61.4%不知道口服避孕药和紧急避孕药正确服用方法;

    Results : Among 1 008 respondents , respectively 85.3 % and 61.4 % of the respondents did not know the correct usage of the oral contraceptive and emergency contraceptive ;

  17. 奥巴马政府近日要求,各用人单位包括天主教医院和大学必须为节育提供医疗保险(包括紧急避孕药),此后,社会问题再次受到选民们的关注。

    Social issues have garnered new attention since the Obama Administration ordered last week that employers including Catholic hospitals and universities must provide health insurance for contraception , including the morning-after pill .

  18. 女工中能正确说出三种及以上避孕药具及其正确使用方法的只有4.5%,听说过紧急避孕药且知道其正确使用方法的只有11.2%。

    Only 4.5 % females surveyed can tell three or more contraception methods and their correct use and only 11.2 % females surveyed hear of emergency contraceptives and know their correct use .

  19. 最近3个月内性生活时有效避孕措施使用率低,均使用避孕套的仅为9.2%,29.3%使用过紧急避孕药。

    The usage rate of effective contraceptions was low in three months lately , and only 9 . 2 % of women used condoms every sexual behaviour , and 29 . 3 % of women took emergency contraceptive pills .

  20. 在紧急避孕药的使用中,45.9%的未婚妇女使用过紧急避孕药,而在已婚妇女组中,仅25.9%的妇女曾有使用。两组相比较,差异有显著性(P<0.05)。

    As for emergency contraception , 45.9 % of unmarried women used to use it , while only 25.9 % of the married women used to use it , there was a significant difference ( P < 0.05 ) .

  21. 分别仅有11.24%和5.30%的研究对象知道紧急避孕药1个月和1年最多可以服用的次数,而不知晓率分别高达82.39%和88.33%。

    Only 11.24 % and 5.30 % of them know the utmost times of emergency contraceptive pill can be used in a month and a year and the unknown rates are 82.39 % and 88.33 % , respectively . 6 .

  22. 28.5%的对象知道紧急避孕法,多数知道的是激素类紧急避孕药,但其中只有14.9%知道其使用有效时间为性生活后72h以内。

    The proportion of the aware ness of EC was 28 . 5 % . Most subjects were aware of hormonal EC pill , but only 14 . 9 % of them knew the pill should be taken within 72 h after the intercourse .

  23. 结果91.60%的研究对象听说过紧急避孕,38.10%知道紧急避孕药物使用正确时间期限,35.70%表示愿意用紧急避孕药,59.4%的人表示愿意放置宫内节育器来作为紧急避孕方法。

    Results 91.6 % postpartum women had heard of emergency contraception ; 38.1 % of them know the correct time limit of emergency contraception usage ; 35.7 % expressed the willing of using emergency contraceptive pills ;