
  1. 用乳化聚合法制备庆大霉素聚氰基丙稀酸丁酯毫微球,经冷冻干燥制成冻干型注射剂。

    The gentamicin-poly ( butyl cyanoacrylate ) nanoparticles were prepared by emulsion polymerization and freeze drying .

  2. 双室袋注射剂又称即配型注射剂,是一种新型的无菌注射产品。

    Injection agent packed in two bags also named as instant matched injection agent , which is a kind of aseptic injection product .

  3. 液体型缓控释注射剂的研究进展

    The Recent Development of Liquid-type Sustained and Controlled Release Injections

  4. 通过这些研究,寻找最稳定的晶型以及抑制转化的适宜附加剂,用于制备稳定且可热压灭菌的倍他米松复方混悬型注射剂。

    Finally , the most stable crystal form and some inhibitor were chosen to prepare stable betamethasone acetate suspension for injection which could be sterilized .